Can You Be A Christian And … ?

My last post, unsurprisingly, generated some questions. Which is great because it exposes me to different world views. But they also alerted me to the fact that perhaps my real point was misinterpreted, particularly by the younger generations. So I’d like to address a couple of questions here that were thrown my way in the hope of being a little clearer and to take the opportunity to expound a little bit on my own world views.

The first thing people usually take issue with or question is generalities and absolutes. These mostly come from younger generations, but older people sometimes take offense at them as well. As a simple example someone might say “Do you have any proof that all have sinned?”. Or someone might just say “You can’t say all.” But of course I can (and did – and do). Whether you find truth in it or agree with it is up to you, not me. As proof I could simply ask the world the question “Can anyone who has never committed a single sin please speak up?” Because I’d like to have a conversation with you. But I don’t have to generate any proof (really) because God said it (in His word), I believe it, and that’s that. It is an absolute.

The real tragedy here is that we’ve taught people you can no longer speak in absolutes. Of course you can. The Bible speaks in absolutes all the time. And it starts in Genesis Chapter 1. For the sake of brevity I’ll need to break this into a couple of posts, but allow me to point out one Biblical absolute in great controversy within our discussions today.

Genesis 1:27 says “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” KJV

That is an absolute. God created male and female. Not males that were cheated and belonged in a female body or females that were cheated and feel like they belong in a male body. You were created (made) a male or a female. You may feel like you are something else, but that is your choice. And your choice does not negate God’s creation or how he made you. And it doesn’t matter how many surgeries you have or hormone treatments you’ve had or whatever else you’ve done. You were either born a male or a female. That is God’s design. Even in cases of genetic mutations which are simply a result of sin in the world. Sin does have consequences in the world but God’s plan is still absolute.

So the Bible talks in absolutes and so can we. We may not like absolutes because it seems to exclude those that don’t want to be included in the absolute, however it does not change the fact of the absolute. The only thing that changes is our position relative to the absolute. My position is to accept the absolute.

And yes, sometimes I extrapolate those absolutes. Because there are divisions in the world. I acknowledge the grey areas, but encourage people to not be lukewarm. Pick a side and stand by it.

Which brings me to the second question people ask “Can’t Christians be Democrats?” Well obviously they can. Can a Christian be a murder? Sure they can. But is that in violation of God’s law? I believe it is. Is that a problem? We all know it is. But a Christian should be on a journey to placing Christ foremost in their life. And that does not mean perfection. It means walking closer and closer to Jesus each and every day. It means acknowledging His preeminence and not your own. And I would argue that it means not calling out all the sins of others in the world but being a little more concerned with your own. I’m not here to condemn the murders in the world. I’m simply echoing God’s word which says murder is sin. And your sin is between yourself and God. I’m right there with you as my own sins are great and I am the least of God’s servants. And neither does this mean that there are not consequences to sin. There are. And I have to deal with mine, and I’ll let you deal with yours.

So can a Christian be a member of the Democrat Party in the USA? Well of course they can. But I choose the Republican platform because it most closely aligns with what I find to be important in light of what aligns with my world view and Biblical understanding. Is it perfect? No. Of course not. But it is the best choice I can make. The weight of the evidence for me is who protects human life and who does not. The Democrat Party Platform does not protect human life. It seeks to murder unborn innocent children:

Securing Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice

Democrats are committed to protecting and advancing reproductive health, rights, and justice. We believe unequivocally, like the majority of Americans, that every woman should be able to access high-quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal abortion. We will repeal the Title X domestic gag rule and restore federal funding for Planned Parenthood, which provides vital preventive and reproductive health care for millions of people, especially low-income people, and people of color, and LGBTQ+ people, including in underserved areas.

You may argue about all the other things the Democrat Party has planned, but will it really matter killing our children at the alarming rates we do? And are you willing to compromise a stance on murder for all of your other beliefs and ideals? Because by aligning yourself with the Democrat Party that is exactly what you are doing. You are providing them numbers, credence , an a louder voice.

I wasn’t saying that you cannot be a Christian and belong to the Democrat Party in my last post. I was saying if your are a Christian I’m sure you value life as the very gift from God, and that is greatly at odds with the Democrat Party Platform. And I just asked that you think about that.



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One response to “Can You Be A Christian And … ?”

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