Category: Religion

  • Whose Justice Is It Anyway?

    I know a lot of Old Testament Christians.  You know what I am referring to when I say an Old Testament Christian, right?  An Old Testament Christian is one who doesn’t know how to rightly balance The Law and Grace.  The two concepts have never been rightly defined and rightly applied within their own lives. …

  • Are You Walking Through Fire?

    Fire Walking has been a test of a person’s mettle for several thousands of years (or so the claim goes).  The afore referenced Wikipedia article places it at around 3,215 years old. Today, many people attend seminars that supposedly help them build confidence by walking across glowing embers.  You can find a number of them with…

  • I Am Chief Amongst Sinners

    Let me just be brutally honest with the rest of the world here for a brief moment in time.  I am the worst person I know.  By this I mean that I AM THE FOREMOST SINNER IN THE WORLD. And let me be clear as to exactly what I am saying here. defines sin…

  • The Greatest Question Of All Time …

    Here it is, Easter of 2015, or Resurrection Sunday.  Many cultures around the world celebrate Easter.  Here in the U.S.A. Easter egg hunts, as well as chocolate bunnies are a great tradition. Over the years (especially the last five or six), I’ve had various Theists (specifically those of the Christian persuasion) come to me and inquire…

  • Is It Your Time?

    I recently heard a young woman giving a speech during which she proclaimed to all within her age group that today was her generation’s time.  This is a somewhat common phrase heard in most cultures around the world.  The idea that now is your time (or our time) is an expression fairly well understood by most…

  • God is in control …

    There are mysteries that are paradoxes in life.  And that is by design, we are not meant to understand all things.  This is a difficult thing to accept for most people.  We want to believe we can know it all, discover all things, understand the mysteries of the universe.  But the fact is, we will never have…

  • A Woman’s Right To Choose

    A couple of weeks ago, in the U.S.A., on January 22, 2015, the passing of the Supreme Court Roe v. Wade anniversary was marked.  This National case, decided on January 22, 1973, found that a woman possessed the right to choose an abortion as a legal means of terminating an unwanted pregnancy. A human pregnancy,…

  • My Tastes In Food

      Have you ever known a picky eater?  And by picky I do mean finicky.  I have.  Some peoples culinary standards simply cannot be met.  Other people are fastidious in their selections of food as well as its preparation.  Many people in America will cite health reasons as the primary driver behind their particular eating…

  • Where Is Your Moral Compass?

    I have previously mentioned the book The Word of God: A Logical and Moral Dilemma written by an acquaintance of mine.  The title of the book implies a puzzle exists in the book of the Bible (here, The Word of God is a direct reference to the Bible).  That puzzle (dilemma) is manifest by the belief…

  • And What of Nostalgia?

    Well here it is.  New Years Day 2015 (obviously using the Gregorian Calendar.  Those who adhere to the Chinese Calendar, or possibly other calendars, may not have crossed the Year boundary as of yet.  But that is OK because it is not WHEN the boundary occurs but rather WHAT those boundaries in our lives are.) …