Tag: America

  • Do You Fear For The Future of America?

    Do you fear for the future survival of America as a country? I sure do. I fear for the survival of America because we are losing our way (some might say we’ve already lost our way, and they might be correct) and we are no longer protecting our freedoms and liberties. Instead, we are becoming a Nation embroiled in fighting over agendas, morals, faith, and values.

    America is America when it adheres to, and retains, the values and principles upon which it was founded. A set of values and principles that are totally unique in any government of the world and that some have ascribed to being inspired by the Holy Spirit of God. And America is Great when it is under the protection of Jehovah God and remembers it is one Nation under God.

    People today want to rewrite the history of America. To remake it in their own warped image. But the truth is America was founded and built by Christian men and women, upon Christian values, and with Biblical truths baked into its establishing documents. And it still is the best Nation in the world for finding Freedom, Liberty, and Justice for all people. However, the founding fathers recognized the dangers to a free and just system and warned that society could just as easily choose to remove those freedoms, as they could choose to retain those freedoms. And I believe we are seeing that play out before us today.

    Our government has a wide range of responsibilities relating to operations of our country as a whole. These responsibilities and powers are enumerated within the US Constitution which also specifies how these responsibilities are to be carried out. There are limits and checks in place meant to provide for a balance of power. It may surprise you however, that equal protection under the law was not enumerated in the US Constitution originally and did not come about until the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution was ratified in 1868. Section I of the 14th Amendment says:

    All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

    U.S. Constitution | Constitution Annotated | Congress.gov | Library of Congress

    Section V of the 14th Amendment also allows for the creation of laws by Congress for the purpose of enforcement:

    The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

    U.S. Constitution | Constitution Annotated | Congress.gov | Library of Congress

    And from this Amendment, along with the 12th Amendment, which abolishes slavery and indentured servitude, our Equal Opportunity Laws derive. The first Equal Opportunity law enacted after the ratification of the 14th Amendment was the Civil Rights Act of 1875 which was overturned by the US Supreme Court in the Civil Rights Cases of 1883. 81 years later the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed and is the law of the land today (as updated or amended). Title VII of this law specifically addresses employment practices within the country:

    SEC. 2000e-2. [Section 703]

    (a) Employer practices

    It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer –

    (1) to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin; or

    (2) to limit, segregate, or classify his employees or applicants for employment in any way which would deprive or tend to deprive any individual of employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect his status as an employee, because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

    Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 | U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (eeoc.gov)

    And with the enactment of this one law, the United States Government unleashed a firestorm of hatred, bigotry, racism, and inequality amongst the citizens of the land. Since 1964 the divisions within our land have become deeper, sharper, and more pronounced than ever before. And the reason for this is because Congress legislated morality out of our everyday business practices.

    Note the words of the 14th Amendment Section I: “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge …” It is key here that the 14th Amendment was intended to limit and define the power of the State over the people and not to limit or infringe upon the power of the people acting within the State.

    Also note that the 14th Amendment already assumes the rights of the people: “nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property …” The 14th Amendment recognizes that life, liberty, and the right to own property are already privileges recognized by our Constitution as being granted by our Creator. These are rights already recognized as being held by the people. And the 14th Amendment is prohibiting States from enacting laws that would deprive the people of these God given freedoms.

    However, what we got in Equal Opportunity Laws because of the 14th Amendment was not the protection of the people from the State, but rather the State limiting the freedom of the people by forcibly specifying the morals people should accept within their lives and how they are to conduct their business. Which had nothing to do with the protection of life, liberty, and the right to own property. And the way they did this was though the criteria: “because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin”.

    By segregating people, which is what you start to do when you divide by race, skin color, religion, sex, and national origin, you are not bringing people together and recognizing that all people are granted the right to life, liberty, and the right to own property, by their creator and that the entity they need protection from is the State, the Government of the land, and not themselves.

    And within this newfound segregation people began to create divisions that carved out specialties that never have existed before. No longer was it good enough to apply the laws of the land to the people, and no longer was it good enough to recognize the protection of the rights of the people, but now we have to bow to the insistent demands of special divisions and categories of people that is open ended and constantly growing and morphing (LBGTQIA+ – that is why they denote the acronym with a plus). And the irony then becomes that these new special interest groups take center stage and supplant the attention of the people of “race, color, religion, sex, and national origin” the laws were originally intended to protect.

    And out of this chaos, we get a Federal Government that does not celebrate the people, but rather paints a picture of activism coupled with enforcement of their own warped morality in an attempt to bend others to their will. We get a Federal Government that looks like this:

    Top Left: US President Joe Biden Top Right: US Vice President Kamala Harris
    Middle Left: Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg
    Middle Right: Assistant Secretary for Health Dr. Rachel Levine
    Bottom Left: White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre
    Bottom Right Top: (Former) Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition Sam Britton
    Bottom Right Bottom: Dr. Rachel Levine and Karine Jean-Pierre

    This is a Federal Government not intent on protecting and serving the people of the land. Rather this is a Federal Government intent on pushing an agenda of warped morality and over representing the views and practices of transgenders, and deviant morality found amongst the LBGTQIA+ Community. And that is an act that is ripping our country apart. We hear it in the words of our leadership. Words that are nothing more than sheer hatred and bigotry towards those with differing opinions and ideals, and words that set the people sharply against each other rather than bring the people together.

    So how do we bring the people of our nation together? We do it through the Cross of Jesus Christ. People who meet at the foot of the Cross of Jesus Christ recognize that we were all created by God for His honor and His glory. And people who meet at the foot of the Cross of Jesus Christ recognize that we are all sinners and have fallen short of God’s glory. And people at the foot of the Cross of Jesus Christ recognize that regardless of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, we are all sustained by the hand of God. How do we bring a nation of people together? We do it through the family of God.

    Will you join me at the foot of the Cross of Jesus Christ today? I believe it is the only hope our nation has left.

  • Are We In Danger?

    One of the earliest TV Shows I can remember watching as a child was Lost in Space, which ran for 3 seasons from September 15, 1965 to March 6, 1968. The show was iconic for its time airing a full year before the premiere of another iconic science fiction show, Star Trek. An interesting piece of trivia is that in season 1 episode 5, titled The Hungry Sea, the Robinson family stopped to give thanks (with a prayer and apparent Bible reading) after having survived a rather perilous ocean crossing.

    And while the cast and guest appearances of Lost in Space were interesting, varied, and talented, there was one cast member who was not of flesh and blood (at least not depicted as such) that completely captured one’s attention. The B-9 Robot, seen here with Penny Robinson (played by Lacey Chabert), Will Robinson (played by Jack Johnson), and Dr. Judy Robinson (played by Heather Graham), was an engineering science fiction marvel depicting human-like capabilities, Artificial Intelligence, and Computer Science engineering, that were years beyond its time:

    The state-of-the-art computer systems in 1965 (Computer Systems timeline) would not have been able to fit into such a body design, been capable of the computational abilities demonstrated (artificial intelligence, artificial speech, speech recognition, advanced sensors, etc.), and would have required a fairly hefty power cord stretching from the robot to the nearest power plant. Most of these problems would be solved in the decades to come, but some are still eluding us today.

    One of these elusive science fiction fantasies (existing within the Artificial Intelligence realm) is the ability to warn us when we are in danger. This is something the B-9 Robot from Lost in Space did time and time again with Will Robinson, resulting in one of the more memorable TV series lines “Danger Will Robinson! Danger!“:

    And while our technology and modern engineering is becoming safer and safer all the time, we are a still a long way away from having machines be able to warn us when we are about to embark upon a very dangerous path. At least not in the same capacity as another human being would be able to advise us based upon their own intellect, intuition, and experience. But wouldn’t it be great if we did have a robot that could?

    What if America had a B-9 Robot to tell us when we were in danger? What would it tell us and what would it warn us of? I think it might go something like this:

    VPOTUS Kamala Harris says the US Southern Border is secure: NY Post Story. B-9 Robot: Danger America! Danger! Because B-9 is advanced in AI and impartial in judgement, B-9 would know that 2 million illegal aliens streaming into our country unchecked, without visas, without jobs, without homes, and with no support network of their own, are likely to impose an enormous burden on our communities, bring with them a lack of respect for our laws and customs (they are already disrespecting our laws entering into our country illegally, and in many cases acting against our better interests in carrying drugs across our borders on behalf of the Mexican Cartels). B-9 would know that 2 million illegal aliens streaming across our Southern Border places our freedoms at risk, strains our already overburdened law enforcement, medical and health facilities, and probably our welfare system. B-9 would warn us we are in grave danger if we do not rise to meet this threat to our Nation.

    POTUS Joe Biden says the US has no inflation: 60 Minutes Interview. B-9 Robot: Danger America! Danger! Because B-9 has advanced neural-networks with limitless access to world history and current data, B-9 would know that the rise in food, gas, energy, and durable goods prices is indeed an indicator that the country is in or near a recession. B-9 would know that the actions of the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates in order to curb out of control price increases is not a good thing, rather it is a reactionary tactic trying to stop harmful things, that usually takes years to recover from, and in some cases decades.

    POTUS Joe Biden “unifies” America by demonizing about half the country: Washington Times Story, FOX News Story. B-9 Robot: Danger America! Danger! B-9 would know that rather than unify, this type of speech divides people and that the President should be leading the country to reconciliation by listening to all points of views and arguing the points on merit. Not shouting them down as a thug or dictator would. B-9 would take great care to warn us about the danger of irresponsible rhetoric and reckless speech in our conversations.

    POTUS Joe Biden celebrates the Reduction In Inflation Act: FOX News Story. B-9 Robot: Danger America! Danger! B-9 would know that no massive Government spending program has ever brought down inflation. B-9 would also be able to calculate that if the top 1% of Americans pay 39% of all Federal Income Taxes, and the top 10% pay 70.6%, IRS data cited here, then 87,000 new IRS Agents is really excessive. B-9 would probably wonder how long it would take those new Agents to become bored and start coming after the other 90% of us.

    The US Supreme Court ended Constitutional Abortion Rights in America: VOA News Story. B-9 Robot: Danger America! Danger! B-9 would know that the US Constitution does not guarantee the right to an abortion. B-9 would know that US Supreme Court Associate Justice Harry Blackmum, author of the Roe vs. Wade majority opinion, could not draw upon any case law for the opinion and indeed claimed to find the resulting “right” in the penumbra(s) (imperfect shadows) of the Bill of Rights (penumbra law). B-9 would also know that abortion did not end in America, however they were reduced in number as 13 States enacted abortion bans. B-9 would warn us of the other “rights” that may be found in the imperfect shadows of our legal documents. B-9 would also know that State freedoms are a way of putting people in control of their own destiny, and that States can decide for themselves how they want to treat an issue not enumerated upon in the US Constitution, and then be held accountable to a local electorate.

    Christianity is alive and well in America: The Patriot Post (2018). B-9 Robot: Danger America! Danger! B-9 would not want to be an alarmist here, however, B-9 would know that with all of the other dangers facing America today, that religious freedoms are only a fleeting moment away from disappearing to an unsuspecting people. And B-9 would know that unless Christians actually practice Christianity, that it will soon be absent from the American landscape.

    We don’t have a B-9 Robot to tell us of the dangers surrounding us, but the signs are there and anyone who looks for them can see them. The question is, are we going to ignore the danger signs, or are we going to do something about them?

    I saw a movie this week that I’d recommend everyone see – Running the Bases. There is a line at the end of the movie that I will not quote, but I will paraphrase it closely with my own twist: ‘The problem with America today is not all of the evil Satan is perpetuating before our very eyes. The problem with America today is the silence of Christians who will not stand for their Faith‘.

    Stand for your Faith this November. Vote.

  • Can Christians Be Political?

    Today the President of the United States, Joe Biden, addressed the Nation in a seemingly very un-presidential manner. It was divisive in calling out a rather sizable portion of the country’s citizens (FOX News Story) as semi-fascists (I’m not sure how you can be a semi (meaning half, partial, incomplete, or somewhat) fascist (a better definition found here)) and terrorists. His words don’t even make sense in that there really is no such thing as a partial fascist and terrorists are generally groups not in political power that tend to disrupt the political system through threats and intimidation. The President also said that these people. (He refers to as MAGA extremists) are dangerous and want to destroy our democracy (which is kind of the definition of a fascist).

    This extremely dangerous and dividing rhetoric delivered by a President of the United States to its citizens is unprecedented within my lifetime, and perhaps within the history of our country. And I’m sure it bitterly hurt, angered, confused, and shamed millions of American citizens.

    And I’m sure many of those millions of Americans are feeling just a little bit threatened by the President’s words.

    But how should a Christian (a follower of Jesus Christ) respond? Obviously, there are many facets to this question and potentially many answers, many of which may very well be correct and/or hold truths within them. But the root of the question I’d like to focus on today is: Can a Christian operate within the political arena? Should a Christian operate within the political arena? Is it OK for a Christian to be political?

    A “Christian response” and a “Political response” to an issue of the day/times are often times seen as separate and unrelated. Seemingly due to the separation of Church and State. Which is never what Thomas Jefferson meant when referring to the “wall of separation”. The founding fathers rather, viewed separation of Church and State as protection for the Church from Government, not that the Church could not be involved in Government. History has clearly shown that governments are often tyrannical in their suppression of the Church, whereas the Church is the Sanctuary for worshipping the Creator who granted the creation the inalienable rights acknowledged by the founding fathers in the Declaration of Independence:

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

    National Archives: Declaration of Independence

    Clearly the founding fathers saw the involvement of the Church in Politics as not only acceptable practice but indeed necessary and important. Having fled to America in order to escape religious persecution and in order to seek freedom of worship as each saw fit, it was imperative that the Church be involved in Politics lest a tyrannical government once again arise and begin to dictate how the Church should perform and conduct its business.

    But what does the Bible say about the involvement of God’s people in politics? Allow me two examples here. The first, from the Old Testament is found in Daniel Chapter 3. In verses 1-7 we see a tyrant, King Nebuchadnezzar, make an idol unto himself and command the people to bow down and worship it or else face death by being cast into a fiery furnace. But in verses 8-18 we see three young Jewish men who defied the government, and indeed, when brought before the King, steadfastly stood their ground despite the consequences they faced. Clearly choosing the Church over Government. And the second example is found in the New Testament in the book of Matthew Chapter 23. Here we see Jesus Christ Himself rebuke the religious leaders of the day (those seen as governing authorities) several times calling them blind fools and hypocrites and saying they and their households would experience woe. In fact, in most of Scripture we see interactions of the Church or Religion with the governments of the day.

    So, on this occasion I, in the fashion of the founding fathers of this Nation and Biblical patriarchs, say to President Joe Biden: It is you Sir, who are the fascist with your hateful and disrespectful rhetoric about “MAGA (Make America Great Again) Republican Extremists”. You don’t see a difference in America today and America as founded because you only desire an America made in your image. It is you Sir, who do not uphold the Constitution of the United States of America when your border policies allow millions of illegal aliens to stream across our southern border placing an enormous burden on our society and endangering our citizens and way of life. Even God Almighty himself warned Israel to guard their borders and to keep themselves pure. A commandment the Nation of Israel honors even to this day. It is you Sir, who disrespect a Holy and Almighty God when you champion the slaughter and dismemberment of millions of unborn children, creations in the image of God Himself, all because you worship at the child sacrifice alter of Satan. And then you disrespect the Church by traveling to Rome and accept a Holy Communion from the Pope himself. And it is you Sir, who are a fascist when your actions hurt the energy industry in this country and the production of fossil fuel energy. Simply because you demand how business should be conducted rather than allow a free people to exercise a free market and chose for themselves. You, Sir, are the one not engaging in an open dialogue, not MAGA Republicans.

    And I will not bow down. Even if it means being thrown into the fiery furnace.

  • Is America At War?

    Why was Jesus Christ crucified on the cross? And yes, I know, because He is the Son of God and He gave up His life at the will of the Father in order to pay for the sins of the world that you and I might be saved. But what reason was put forth at His sham of a trial? And yes, He threatened the power base of the religious rulers of the day. But what was the crime he was charged with? Essentially it was heresy, was it not? His claim before the religious rulers of the day to be the Son of God and the fulfillment of the prophecies of the magi that came before Herod seeking “he that is born King of the Jews” (Matthew 2:1-3). Notice that all of Jerusalem was troubled along with Herod. It was troubling times. And this is born out in the written charge that was placed over his head on the cross:

    37 And set up over his head his accusation written, This Is Jesus The King Of The Jews. (Matthew 27:37)

    So essentially Jesus was crucified for his speech. His teachings. What he claimed. You might even come to believe he was charged with civil unrest and inciting riots if you study hard enough. He wasn’t charged with performing miracles. That would not have been looked upon very favorably by the masses. What He was charged with was performing those miracles on the sabbath. Heresy. And then His answers to the religious rulers when questioned about it. If you boil it all down, Jesus was charged with walking around the country and talking to people.

    And I want us to ponder that. Consider the fact that Jesus was doing nothing but exercising free speech. He was talking about ideas. Ideas we know some of the people scoffed at and ridiculed while others embraced and sought to learn more. But Jesus never forced anyone to accept His ideas. Or even to listen. He just exercised free speech. It was the religious rulers that practiced censorship. It was the religious rulers that demanded their ideas be listened to above all else.

    And why is that? Well I have a theory about that. We know that the word of God produces results and will not return unto Him void (Isaiah 55:11). And if you consider that Satan is also aware of that fact, then it is not that big a leap to believe that Satan will do everything in his power to diminish free speech. In other words, Satan desires to control all speech. He doesn’t want the Word of the Lord to be spoken. He knows that would produce fruit for God. So he does everything in his power to censor, to quell, and to control speech. Satan wants his message to be on the tongues of men, not God’s message.

    And it is not like we have not seen free speech controlled throughout the world and throughout all of history. It is always a battle for the message and the control of ideas. It is always a fight over free speech. Who can put forth an idea and who cannot. Countries like China and Iran go to great lengths, even putting people to death, to control speech. But here in the United States of America, we cherish the First Amendment to our Constitution. Prohibiting Government from interfering in our right and ability to free speech in any way, shape or form. But what happens when we do it to ourselves? What happens when we the people begin to limit and control the free speech of others? When I try and control your speech and you try and control mine, then we are at odds. Because I no longer agree to hear your ideas and you no longer agree to hear mine. And that is when the Nation dies. It can no longer thrive and flourish because it is under the control of tyranny and oppression.

    And that is happening within the United States of America today. Those in control, and those in power, are using their positions of power and control to censor and direct the message of free speech. Just like the religious rulers did with Jesus. And trust me, they are out to crucify.

    Companies (monopolies I might say) like Apple, Google, Twitter, and Amazon (along with others like Simon & Schuster, and FaceBook) are using their positions of power and control to ensure that only their versions of truth are presented and all others are heresy. Where is this happening you ask? Well for one example they are using it to control the narrative of Parler, a company dependent upon their infrastructure for business. In other instances they are blocking posts, tweets, and blogs of those they do not agree with. The war against Parler may be found in numerous news articles here.

    And meanwhile our Government leaders, such as Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, are engaged in an all out war, essentially over free speech and the exchange of ideas. Ms. Pelosi is even seeking a second impeachment of President Donald Trump (story here). Why? Because she doesn’t like a few tweets. Nancy Pelosi is the most vile, heartless, vengeful, hateful, and controlling Speaker of the House to ever sit in the chair. And I am careful with my words. Any reasonable person would realize that Donald Trump has barely 10 days left in office and would turn their attention to the affairs of the next administration. But Nancy Pelosi does not have the grace for that. She is driven to put the final stake through Donald Trump’s heart because of her sheer hatred and her vengeful drives. And that is both heartless and vile.

    So is the United States of America at War? I believe so. We are not engaged in a physical civil war with guns and bullets and swords, but we are engaged in a war over free speech, the arena of ideas, and who is to control the thoughts of others. And that is because of the age old war of Satan trying to control the Word of God. Think about it.

  • Which Side Are You On?

    Yesterday I passed along my thoughts on the two different cultures manifesting themselves in America today. I said that I didn’t have a question, only an observation, but that was not entirely accurate.

    I do have a question. The point of the observations, naturally, was to cause you to consider which culture you fit into and whether it is the right choice or not. In other words Which Side Are You On?

    The second phrase of the opening sentence of Charles Dickens A Tale of Two Cities (see yesterday’s post) reads:

    it was the age of wisdom,
    it was the age of foolishness,

    A Tale of Two Cities, Chapter I. The Period

    And if that doesn’t describe today’s America, I don’t know what does. One side of the culture screams about the foolish tweets from President Donald Trump and then Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi makes the totally nonsensical statement:

    “a wall, in my view, is an immorality” and “the least effective way to protect the border and the most costly.”

    Fox News Story

    A view not exactly shared by the rest of her party.

    But it is crazy, right? One view is shared and the opposing culture hears it as total foolishness but yet the agreeing culture hears it as great wisdom.

    One can certainly understand the pain, anguish, and shear lunacy Charles Dickens was attempting to describe in his book A Tale of Two Cities.

    But what if I were to tell you I believe this division has happened much earlier in history? Consider the words of John:

    37 Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice. 38 Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all. 39 But ye have a custom, that I should release unto you one at the passover: will ye therefore that I release unto you the King of the Jews?

    John 18:37-39

    Pilate was completely frustrated with the foolishness of the day. On the one hand he could find no fault with Jesus but on the other there were cries from the people for his crucifixion. In his frustration he asks “What is truth?

    It is this very same struggle for truth that is plaguing all of us today. It is the confusion on one side of the culture when #BlackLivesMatter calls out for the destruction of (so called) racially offensive language, monuments, and the erasure of American history itself. And the other side of the culture is confused because these exact same people align themselves with Democrats like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and the mayor of New York City Bill de Balsio. If these people were actually intellectually honest with themselves and us they would be calling for the abolishment of the Democrat party itself rather than aligning themselves with it.

    It was the Democrat party that championed slavery and racism. It was the Republican party that freed them. It was the Democrat party that voted for Jim Crow laws and segregation. It was the Republican party that fought for inclusion and the idea that ALL people are created equal. It is Democrat party members that held positions within the KKK while the Republican party did not. It is the Democrat party that continues to this day to enact laws and policies that disadvantage more people of color while the Republican party has established a record of providing more jobs and opportunity to all of Americans. If #BlackLivesMatter is really so incensed with being reminded of the history of slavery in America, then they should be for the complete abolishment of the Democrat part as well.

    There are so many that have fought to bring the light of truth to this history. Alfonzo Rachel for one. Dinesh D’souza for another. People of color who would certainly have no agenda for furthering “white supremacy“. And there are so many others that continue to educate, inform, and offer alternate points of view. But our culture is divided. And people ask what it is divided over. The answer is quite simple and is very plain. We are divided over the TRUTH.

    This is why I am passionate about the state of our country today. Not only for the very survival of America, but for the souls of so many people who are lost without TRUTH.

    For you see, there is another interesting phrase in Charles Dickens opening to a Tale of Two Cities. As he sums up his setting he notes:

    “… we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way …”

    A Tale of Two Cities – Chapter I. The Period

    And as another champion of American History, Rush Limbaugh, would say – “for those of you in Rio LInda” Charles Dickens reference to those “going direct the other way” means Hell. And that is the real crux of the problem with Which Side Are You On? Because one side leads to Eternal Life and the other side leads to Eternal Damnation.

    As for me, I chose the side of TRUTH. Because there is only one person in all of history that could (and can) credibly claim:

    Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

    John 14:6

    And that is the person of Jesus Christ. And I believe the TRUTH because only He, the creator of all the universe, can establish TRUTH. The only thing that remains (for both the survival of American history and people’s souls) is to determine which truth you will believe. Which side are YOU on?