In John 18:38 Pilate asked the question of Jesus “What is truth?” Dr. Del Tackett has referred to this as one of the most important questions of all time in The Truth Project. Ravi Zacharias has called it the most tragic question of all time in that it was asked of the purveyor of Truth Himself.
But it is an interesting question. Truth. What is it? Really? And more importantly, what is our perception of truth? And how does it shape our lives and affect the outcome of our existence for all of eternity?
Here is an important consideration: Is there a God? It is an important question whether you realize it or not.
Some, like Dr. Stephen Hawking and Dr. Richard Dawkins, state that it is a fact that there is no God. They have many that join with them in their belief that there is no God.
I, on the other hand, and many others with me state emphatically that there is a God.
You have your own beliefs as to whether or not there is a God. Neither side can prove beyond any reasonable certainty that there is, or is not a God. I can certainly point to evidence that there is. But others will build their own case that there is not.
So what is truth? In this case the truth may be found to be subjective depending upon your own personal beliefs. And yet it is the most important question of all time. This is why I believe it is very important to guard certain principles in our lives. Because believe it or not, TRUTH can be lost. For example: lets say for argument’s sake that there really is a God. Just for a minute let’s all agree that this is an immutable fact. Now lets divide all the people who believe the truth from those that do not believe the truth. All of the people who actually believe there is a God are on one side of the room, and all the people who do not believe there is a God are on the other side. Now suppose we were to have a war between the two groups. And let’s say that the people who do not believe there is a God win the war. They completely annihilate those that believe there is a God.
Question: Does that then make the fact that God exists not true? No, of course not. We’ve already established that the existence of God is true for our scenario here. And the truth does not change. But would the truth be lost? I believe it would. Those who do not believe there is a God would continue to propagate that belief and there would be no reason for any opposing point of view to arise. The truth would be lost.
Here is a more realistic example. How old is the Earth? You ask this question and about 98% of people today will tell you it is 4.5 billion years old. But if you really examine the answer you will read words like “scientists estimate …”, or “scientists believe ..”, or even “scientists think …”.
It IS NOT a proven fact that the Earth is 4.5 billion years old (or that evolution is the mechanism by which we all came to be here on Earth). It may be a theory or a belief (by some), but not a factual piece of truth. And yet people treat it as if it were so. If you say it often enough and loud enough, others around you eventually begin to repeat it. But that doesn’t make it truth.
Why? Because when the question of Evolution seriously first came up, around the time of my grandparents generation, it was not successfully challenged. And then when my parents generation came along, they began to make compromises and to try to fit an evolutionary world view into their own Theistic world view. And as a result, in most (if not all) public institutes of education, Evolution is now taught as accepted fact and Creationism or Intelligent Design is not even allowed to be mentioned because they are considered myth or fairy tale.
As a result it has become a very difficult up hill battle to challenge or countermand the Evolutionary world view. Most people have abandoned trying to fight it within public institutions and have left those for private schools and home schooling. But what if Creationism were the truth? It is not completely lost, but if we continue to indoctrinate new generations in the classroom, it could be.
And there is another truth we are about to lose today. That Freedom and Capitalism provide more for any given population than Socialism and Communism. The number of young people who supported Senator Bernie Sanders during the 2016 U.S. Presidential elections has been placed as high as 56%. This is very alarming when you consider that these individuals are essentially voting not to be free. The movement away from Truth, Justice, and the American Way is alarming. If we do not stand for the principles the United States of America was founded upon, actually built upon, we could lose the greatest nation the world has ever seen. And we could lose the truth for generations to come.
This is the reason I have not, and will not, support the NFL until they acknowledge that kneeling on foreign soil while our country’s National Anthem is playing is traitorous and disrespectful. And then to stand during the National Anthem of a foreign nation (having just knelt for their own) simply adds insult to injury. And that kneeling during the National Anthem on any occasion is disrespectful and is essentially saying “I stand against the institution that provides me the freedoms to protest”. You cannot tear down the house you live in and then expect to not sleep out in the rain and the cold. Kneeling for the National Anthem is not a protest, it is a vote not to be free.
And I take it even one step further. For all my life I have been taught (and believed) that sports taught young people how to be good members of society as well as proper values and character. I would suggest that the evidence today depicts otherwise. A significant number of athletes are not demonstrating good character and values. Therefore I do not even support college football. Because I don’t believe these traits just magically show up when they become attached to the NFL and I do not want them to believe they have a supported path to that end.
We could be on the verge of losing our country; Freedom, Capitalism, Democracy. And if we do not take a very hard stand today, if we are complacent in the matter, as previous generations were with evolution, the truth could change out from underneath us and it would be very, very hard to get back.
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