When I started LRPSP three plus years ago, I had no intention or desire to have a blog. I did not set out to simply archive my thoughts for all the world to peruse. If you have read any of them and taken pause, been blessed, or given new thought to some subject, then I am truly humbled and pleased. However this was not my original goal.
What I really envisioned when I started this journey was a discussion. A debate of ideas. And debates and discussions take multiple parties. The Scriptures say that “iron sharpens iron”. And one lone voice cannot sharpen itself nor lead others to sharpen themselves.
I have long believed that we must each run our own race. I can no more stand before God in your stead than you can stand before Him in mine. Therefore you must grow as I must grow. And you must seek truth as I must seek truth. And hopefully I may intone a thought that inspires others to think deeper, but others will intone a thought that causes me to think deeper. I don’t want to just share on a blog, I want others to begin or continue a journey in their lives that will lead them to a Creator that loves them and desires a personal relationship with them, as He does me.
I have also desired to consolidate voices into one strong accord. A choir of voices if you will. A choir is made up of parts, yet when they sing together, each part comes out in beautiful harmony that pleases the soul. I know your time is valuable. And I also know that there are many great voices, most much greater than mine, out there that may bring true value to your life. I’ve desired to bring voices together here on LRPSP to help maximize your time and search for that material. I’ve longed to build that choir.
Today I am very happy to announce that LRPSP is beginning to build that choir. It is with great humbleness and honor that I welcome a new Contributing Editor to this site. My Christian Brother Mitch White is joining LRPSP to add his voice and his part to the discussions that take place here.
This will afford you, those that linger on this site to read a few words, a new perspective. You will now be able to consider topics from a different point of view and perspective. And I know that will bring even greater insight and blessing to your life.
Welcome Brother Mitch, to LRPSP. I, and I hope others, look forward to all that God has to share with us through your voice. It is truly a New Day here on LRPSP and it is exciting to look forward to all God has in store for us as we each journey to know the Great I Am more personally in each of our lives.
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