Here we are at another Easter. April 16, 2017 is the 55th Easter I have encountered in my life. Many of my early Easters were spent with family and friends hunting for Easter Eggs, trying to fill baskets with Easter candy, and having Easter Day meals. All of these have been joyous occasions and comprise many happy memories. But none of these ascribe meaning to my life, or meaning to my very existence. However, the meaning of Easter, the true meaning of Easter, the Religious aspect of Easter does bring meaning and value to life and to my existence.
I had the great honor and privilege of attending a talk by Dr. Ravi Zacharias this past week. I’ve mentioned Dr. Zacharias in my posts on occasions in the past and consider him the greatest Christian Apologist in the world, alive today. In his talk this past week he talked about four elements to the ultimate pursuit of Truth in one’s life. He stated that those four elements are ‘Origin, Meaning, Morality, and Destiny’. These four elements are all met in the celebration that is Easter Sunday.
Today you really have but one question of existential relevance before you. And that is “Do you believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead?” Because how you answer that question will shape your world view and provide the foundation for how you conduct yourself in your life.
If you answer the question with a resounding “Yes” you should be compelled to believe that He is the only person in human history to ever do so of His own accord and that would lead you to find relevance in all His other claims – that He is who He said He was, the Son of the one true and living God. That He came to die for our sins, and to bring life more abundantly.
If you answer the question with a flat “No” or a “maybe” or an “I don’t know” the rest of His claims are left in doubt and bring no relevance to your life.
But how you answer the question is how you will discover whether or not the four elements are met.
Science may claim to answer the question of ‘Origin’, where we came from, but it cannot answer the questions of ‘Meaning’ or ‘Morality’, or ‘Destiny’. The answers to those question ring hollow and are without substance with the pursuit of Science.
Philosophy may claim to have the answers to ‘Meaning’ or ‘Morality’ or ‘Destiny’ but without an ‘Origin’ these answers do not provide purpose or relevance to one’s life.
However, there is one answer that provides all four. If Jesus Christ did rise from the dead, as is recorded in history, then His claims of being the Son of God must also be true and that must mean there is a God. And that answers the question of ‘Origin’. If Jesus Christ did indeed rise from the dead, then we must be created beings, made by a living God.
If Jesus Christ is who He said He was, then the account of Genesis must be accurate and true and that answers the question of ‘Morality’ and gives meaning to right and wrong.
If Jesus Christ is who He said He was, then the purpose of His coming to earth, of dying for our sin, of providing us a path to a more abundant life, must also be true. And that answers the question of ‘Meaning’. It provides a purpose to our lives. Not one that we invented or made up, but one that the One True God laid down from the foundation of time.
And if Jesus Christ rose from the dead, as history records, then the warning of a Heaven and a Hell must also be true. And that answers the question of ‘Destiny’. We can know why we are here and what our ultimate endpoint in all of eternity will be.
The reality of ‘Origin, Meaning. Morality, and Destiny’ are all met in the person and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. No other pursuit of Truth, relevance, or logical consistency are met anywhere else in life, Only in the Gospel of Jesus Christ do we find answers to all four elements.
So the question is – “Do you believe Jesus Christ rose from the dead?” But before you answer, let me pose another question to you, and that is “For how long have people been trying to get you to believe that the answer to the question is no?” Would you believe me if I told you that the answer is “Since the day He died”? Because on the day He died He was sealed in a tomb and a Roman Guard was placed to watch over it. Why? Why would a Roman Guard be placed to keep watch over a sealed tomb of a carpenter from Galilee who had been executed upon a cross? If not to keep you from learning that He had risen from the dead?
Why were Christians persecuted from the earliest of times and sacrificed in the Roman Colosseum? To keep you from learning that He had risen from the dead.
Why have governments for centuries tried to control and stamp out the Christian faith? To keep you from learning He had risen from the dead.
Why does Science teach evolution and denounce the Bible? Why is the world seemingly so threatened by the Christian faith? To keep you from learning He had risen from the dead. And what does it threaten them? After 2,000 years, why is the world so consumed with you not knowing that He has risen from the dead?
The answer is because He is the TRUTH, the Life, and the Way. And that TRUTH meets all four elements of ‘Origin, Meaning, Morality, and Destiny’. And that threatens not the world, but rather the Prince of this world, Satan himself. He does not want you to know the TRUTH. And thus he does everything in his power to propagate the lies.
Does your life have meaning? You can find new purpose and meaning in your life today by knowing the TRUTH, the Way, and the Life. Purpose and meaning are found in the person of Jesus Christ. But that truth starts at the foot of the cross and is found in an empty tomb. And is obtained through belief in Him.
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