There are a few types of knowledge in this world. There is the scholarly knowledge that is taught and gained in schools. Some of it may be correct, accurate, and true. While some of it may be questionable.
Take for example the study of mathematics. In every culture and in every land we have an understanding of at least simple math. Everyone understands (or should understand) that 1 plus 1 is equal to 2. That is if you have 1 apple and then I give you another apple, you have just had your total quantity of apples grow. And your new total of apples is now 2.
But then you have those that are wise in math and they will tell you that 1 plus 1 is equal to 10. IF you use base 2 (binary) math. In other words for a mathematician, it is important to state exactly which math you are talking about. They want to represent the correct number base and ensure everyone is following the same set of rules. There is a level of knowledge displayed that goes beyond the every day use of most people counting their apples, BUT it does not alter their understanding of the number of apples they may (or may not) possess.
Then there are studies that are not quite as concrete. Take for example the study of evolution. There are those that want to teach biological evolution concerning the alteration or transformation of one species into another as fact. When they know (and actually have full knowledge) that it is simply a theory and is not repeatable and indeed is unprovable.
The science of evolution is constantly changing, constantly growing, and constantly evolving as people perceive to gain new insights and knowledge and thus alter their thinking on the subject.
I’ve mentioned a book written by an acquaintance of mine in past blog posts. The book is: “The Word of God A Logical and Moral Dilemma“. In chapter 5 of his book, titled “The Reality Of God”, my friend writes:
“During my early conversations with creationists, I often presented the scientific viewpoint during our creation vs. evolution discussions. That is, I used small scientific facts, such as the existence of pelvises in ancient whales and the existence of gill slits and tails in embryonic humans, as evidence that God didn’t create the world beginning with an evolved state of nature. I made very little headway in my debates, and usually departed from my encounters cursing the “blindness” of my opponent.”
(Eric Brownlee, The Word of God A Logical and Moral Dilemma, Writers Club Press, 2001, Lincoln, NE, ISBN: 0-595-19417-6, pg. 85)
The problem is, we now know that the ‘gill slits‘ in embryonic humans (and I would argue the ‘tails’ as well) are not what we used to think they were. As a matter of fact, it has now been proven that the scientist, Ernst Haeckel, who is sometimes credited with this “discovery” (it is more an observation), actually faked his drawings and misrepresented the truth (Human Gill Slits). In other words, we’ve come to a new understanding and know that the statement that human embryos have gill slits is just wrong (Evolutionary Point of View). An Answers In Genesis article on the subject may be found here.
So here we have wisdom (it was originally represented as scientific fact) that is neither wise nor very long lived. Certainly not like the mathematical fact given in my first example.
Thus our wisdom grows and gains new insights.
But what about spiritual wisdom? Surely something so critical as to bringing understanding to the creator and guidance in our own lives, we don’t want to take chances with, right? We want to make sure we have the right understanding, or at least the best understanding from as early a point in time as possible.
Spiritual wisdom is not too unlike earthly wisdom, it comes by learning, and learning comes by asking questions. The difference is, knowing who and how to ask. When our earthly wisdom is challenged, such as in the case of human embryos having gills, a little bit of research and asking the right questions reveals the answer. Now there may be those that colloquially make reference to my blindness (see definition # 2) however I am going to claim that it is their own blindness since main stream evolutionist don’t even have that understanding anymore. The point is, if I am willing to challenge the understanding and ask the right questions of the right resources, I am able to learn an answer and grow my understanding.
The same is true with Spiritual wisdom, but you have to know who to ask. Fortunately there is an answer within the Bible. It is found in James 1:5-8. James tells us that if we lack wisdom (Spiritual wisdom) we simply need to ask of God, and God will provide us with wisdom liberally (see the origin of the word. Here it means generously).
And I love the fact that the verse tells us that God gives to ALL MEN, without regard for Christian, or Atheist, or Agnostic, or any other Religion or world view. Why would God do that? Wouldn’t God just reserve wisdom for those that know him and are his children? Of course not! Otherwise, how are we even to discover him in the first place? God wants us to know him. He wants us to be curious about him. And he wants us to discover him, to learn about him, and to have knowledge and understanding of him. And this comes through wisdom from him. He gives to all who ask him, and he gives with great abundance, BECAUSE he wants us to discover him.
But note the condition. You have to truly ask in Faith believing that God will answer your request and will grant you the wisdom you seek. In other words, you had better believe that God is there and capable of providing an answer. If your predisposition is that science has given you all the facts of evolution and there is no God, you cannot be running to God asking him to provide you wisdom of himself. That is not truly seeking after God. That is simply convincing yourself that the lie you believe is justified.
I sincerely hope that no one believes I have any great wisdom to share. Rather I hope that for earthly wisdom you will do due diligence and seek out the right answers. And for Spiritual wisdom that you will ask of God, in Faith, believing he will answer you and provide the wisdom that you seek.
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