I’ve been retired from the U.S. Department of Defense for about 15 months now. And one of my activities in retirement was supposed to be more writing. More to the point I was planning on weekly and monthly posts on this site. After all, I’ve invested a fair bit of money into it since 2014.
However, the last 15 months have not seen monthly posts let alone weekly posts. So, what have I been up to?
Well, the answer to that is I have been writing, just not here. And now the work I’ve been dedicated to is finally making its way into the public eye.
My first ever book is now available for pre-order on the Westbow Press WEB site: BookStore (westbowpress.com)
And may be ordered from this page: WestBowPress
The book, The Greatest Pleas Ever Made, intends to show that Holy Scripture is relevant to our lives today. Struggles, trials, tribulations, the problems we experience in our lives today are not all that different from what societies have faced since the world began. We simply believe that they are more complicated today because somehow, we have more technology and are more “enlightened”. We never stop to consider that being hungry, or lost, or depressed, or hurt are human conditions that come along because of sin in the world and have been with us since the Garden of Eden. And none of what is tearing us down today is because of how advanced we are as a Nation. The book also looks at how many of our problems today could be avoided with belief in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and how when we turn our pleas for help to Him, we gain His ear, and He ushers in His love and His grace and His peace and His mercy. And we have our spirits and our lives renewed in order to build a better world.
So please check out my new book and leave a comment here or a review on the Westbow Press WEB site and let me know what you think.