Tag: Slavery

  • So, You Want to Be Free?

    Remember when Queen told us this (and yes, this is the official music video – just so you know what they wanted to break free from): The song, released on April 2nd, 1984 (missing April Fool’s Day by one day, in a rather ironic twist) tells us they want to break free as if they…

  • Are You Enslaved By THe Democrat Party? (I)

    Remember when Joe Biden made this offensively racist comment? And had the audacity to tell people to look at “their” values while doing it? Well have you ever considered how the Democrat Party really does have you in chains? Because I believe it is important that we do, And if you are an American citizen…

  • Do You Feel Threatened?

    Did you see this? A member of the Michigan House of Representatives, Cynthia A. Johnson, made some remarks last week that included a warning to all “Trumpers”, by which one may only assume she means those who supported President Donald J. Trump during the recent US Presidential Election, that many are considering a threat from…