Category: Religion

  • I Am No Saint

    I have a sermon entitled My 10 Greatest Sins.  It is actually a discourse on The Ten Commandments, however I talk about them personally and how they apply directly to my life.  I explore them from the standpoint of how I am guilty of each. I’ve only preached this particular sermon a couple of times…

  • Are You Good Enough To Get Into Heaven?

    A question that I have asked a few times in the past on this blog deals with exploring why there is evil in the world.  I’ve asked this question both from the standpoint of why God allows bad things to happen to good people and why God allows evil in the world if he is…

  • Are You Silent When Accused?

    For the vast majority of us, when accused of wrong doing, we are quick to voice our defense.  Even when we know we are wrong we are wont to profess our innocence.  It seems to be something about human nature that leaves us unable to not respond.  Few, if any of us, will stand before…

  • Does God Want Bad Things For You?

    A question that I have pontificated upon before, but nonetheless a difficult question in life is: “Why do bad things happen to good people?”  The basic premise is: If God is such a loving and kind God why is there pain and suffering in the world?  It is a concept that even the brightest minds…

  • Are Your Decisions Based On Knowledge or Understanding?

    Job 38:36:  36 Who hath put wisdom in the inward parts? or who hath given understanding to the heart?  King James Version (KJV) Have you ever wondered how someone could purport to hold the exact same set of beliefs as you and yet seem to be on a totally opposite page?  I have. For example –…

  • Are You Too Big to Fail?

    One of the greater mysteries of all of creation is the understanding that God is completely in control and yet at exactly the same time, mankind has free will.  I’ve mentioned this before and called your attention to Louie Giglio who has also referred to it as a great mystery. The fact is, God cannot…

  • There Is No Honor In Death

    I lost my cousin today.  The son of my dad’s brother,  and the youngest of two children, he was known to the family as Little John.  I suppose from some throwback to the Robin Hood character.  But not to me.  To me he was always Big Bad John. John stood 6 foot 5 inches tall…

  • Are You In Your Comfort Zone?

    So here is an interesting concept to me, people that are worried about their comfort zone.  I was chatting with someone today who was worried that God would move them out of their comfort zone.  Meaning that God would literally put them into an uncomfortable situation that they did not want to be in.  I…

  • Who Is Your Role Model?

    Recently, while talking with a young co-worker, I was told that she believed that God gave accounts of various people’s lives in order to serve as role models for us.  Which prompted me to think that it made an interesting question.  So let me ask you, Who is your role model? Actually, the more pertinent…

  • Are You A Lover or A Fighter?

    In 1982 Paul McCartney and Michael Jackson made a very poignant statement in this song.  In the song Michael tells Paul that he is a Lover, not a Fighter.  Thereby setting up the premise that, at least when it comes to the love of a woman, you are either a lover or a fighter.  Of course this…