Category: Politics

  • Man Made Climate Change

    Man made Global Warming has taken us by storm (pun intended).  The media is literally inundated with it.  Take these particular headlines in the last few weeks for example: Climate Change Deemed Growing Security Threat by Military Researchers – The New York Times : May 13th 2014 U.S. Military Plans Policy Shift in Response to…

  • May We Have A Rational Discussion?

    Apparently not when it comes to atheists who are adamant about stamping out all religion in society and within the daily lives of ordinary citizens of the United States of America. I’ll explain in a minute.  First let me say this was not the topic on my mind this evening.  For the last day or…

  • Life Changes

    Have you ever felt like you are at the gambling table of life when you suddenly get dealt the worst possible hand imaginable?  No matter how well you plan, or what kind of in-roads you think you may be making, you wake up one morning and suddenly find yourself facing seemingly dire circumstances. It probably…

  • The Words Mean What I Want Them To Mean When I Say Them

    To paraphrase Humpty Dumpty in Lewis Carroll’s Through The looking Glass.  Which is then completed though Alice’s reply: “The question is, ” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.”   “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty. “which is to be master—that’s all.” Like Mr. Humpty Dumpty, we all want to be…


    LRPSP. com has been up for over a week now and I thought I’d step back and provide some foundation for the categories, my biases, and the general discussions.  The About page provides an overview of the Blog, however I thought that over time a little more detail might be provided.  This is a short…

  • Is There A God?

    One of the harder hitting and more intriguing questions asked in Life, Religion, Science, and Philosophy is: “Is there truly a God?”   I might suggest here that the question ought to be asked within Politics as well, but alas, it would seem that most of our Governments today have either convinced themselves that it makes no…