
  • Are You A Creep?

    I imagine if you’ve made it past today’s title you are probably here because my question has evoked some type of emotional response or curiosity. Your first thought may have been “Hey! I’m not a creep! Why are you asking that?” Or you may have thought “Well my girlfriend called me a creep last night, so maybe I am.” Or you may have just been curious and wondered “Where in the world did that question come from?”

    Well the question comes from the Radiohead song Creep (WARNING: the lyrics of this song has some language readers may find inappropriate):

    Radiohead – Creep: YouTube

    And while the song does not ask the question, it does make the statement that perhaps a lot of people feel or contemplate at some point in their lives – “I’m a creep.” Creep is another one of those overloaded English words that you have to read far down into the definition in order to find the meaning the song intends: “5 an unpleasant or obnoxious person”. And the song adds to the statement: “I’m a weirdo” in order to further clarify the point. Use of the word weirdo is pretty straight forward and to the point. The song writer is saying ‘I want to be somebody special, but instead I’m an unpleasant, obnoxious, strange, weird person’.

    And while you may not be a ‘creep‘, I believe I can state with all assurance that at some point in your life you have been ‘unpleasant‘, ‘obnoxious‘, ‘strange‘ or ‘weird‘. And if you think you haven’t, I believe I can also state that you are in denial and that there is at least one person at some point in your life that has thought you exhibited one or more of those traits.

    We have ALL been ‘creeps‘ and ‘weirdos‘ at some point in our lives. Every person who has lived, is alive today, or who will live, has been or will be unpleasant or obnoxious during their lives. It is part of what the Bible states is our sinful nature. And the Bible is full of examples of humans just being unpleasant and obnoxious. Even a man God said had a heart after His own heart, was a bit of a creep. King David enticed another man’s wife to enter into a relationship with him while her husband was out fighting a war on the King’s behalf. Who of us wouldn’t look at King David and exclaim “You’re a creep!”? And yet God did not call King David a creep. God said of King David ‘Here is a man who has a heart liken unto the heart of God’. What a statement! But why, or how, could God say this about King David?

    Christians know that when they are unpleasant or obnoxious, that while they may be viewed by the world as creeps or weirdos, they are, in fact, simply exhibiting a sinful nature brought into this world by the act of Adam in the Garden of Eden. And they should be reminded that Jesus Christ taught we should love not only our neighbors, but also our enemies: Matthew 5:43-48. And being unpleasant or obnoxious to anyone isn’t loving them.

    The Radiohead song Creep paints a picture of a man who wants to appear as someone special to a lady whom he has affections for but knows that instead he is viewed as a creep and a weirdo by her. And so he asks the question “What the h*** am I doing here?” And in doing so misses a great opportunity. Rather than lamenting his condition, he might try what Christians do, and that is to ask for forgiveness. The resolution to being unpleasant or obnoxious is to go to the other person and ask for forgiveness.

    Of course, many of us are reluctant to do that because of our fear of not being forgiven. And while we humans can be fickle and stingy with our forgiveness, God never is. God’s mercy and grace is more than sufficient for all of our sins.

    And here is the amazing thing about God’s mercy and grace: that Jesus Christ would have died on the cross and rose again on the third day for only one single sin. If only one person, in all of human history, had only committed one sin in their entire lifetime, Jesus Christ would have still left His throne in heaven to come into the world and pay the penalty for that one sin with His own life.

    And yet in doing so, He still would have paid the price for ALL the sins of everyone in ALL of human history. God’s mercy and grace is so amazing, so unfathomable, so miraculous, that Jesus Christ paid the full penalty for each and every one of your sins on the cross. You, personally. And me, personally. And everyone – individually – collectively – for a few sins – and for many sins.

    You should never try and put God’s mercy and grace into a box. You would be foolish for trying. God’s mercy and grace extends to the lowest depths and the highest mountains. It reaches beyond the sky into the furthest reaches of the universe. It is personal enough to be just for you, and yet complete enough to be extended to me and everyone else.

    God’s mercy and grace existed before time began and will still be here when this present Earth is no more. God’s mercy and grace is more than enough, more than sufficient, and yet just the right amount, the perfect measure, to totally and completely pay the price in full for all of your sins. It no longer matters that you have been unpleasant or obnoxious, or even a creep or a weirdo. Because God’s mercy and grace can forgive all.

    The only thing you need to do is ask Him to be forgiven. And in order to do that, you must first believe on the name of Jesus Christ – that he came from God in heaven, was put to death upon a cross for the sins of the world and rose from the dead 3 days later and now intercedes for His own seated at the right hand of God the Father in heaven.

    Am I a creep? No. I’m a sinner. But where my sins, they are many, the mercy and grace of Jesus Christ is so much more.

  • Do You Fear For The Future of America?

    Do you fear for the future survival of America as a country? I sure do. I fear for the survival of America because we are losing our way (some might say we’ve already lost our way, and they might be correct) and we are no longer protecting our freedoms and liberties. Instead, we are becoming a Nation embroiled in fighting over agendas, morals, faith, and values.

    America is America when it adheres to, and retains, the values and principles upon which it was founded. A set of values and principles that are totally unique in any government of the world and that some have ascribed to being inspired by the Holy Spirit of God. And America is Great when it is under the protection of Jehovah God and remembers it is one Nation under God.

    People today want to rewrite the history of America. To remake it in their own warped image. But the truth is America was founded and built by Christian men and women, upon Christian values, and with Biblical truths baked into its establishing documents. And it still is the best Nation in the world for finding Freedom, Liberty, and Justice for all people. However, the founding fathers recognized the dangers to a free and just system and warned that society could just as easily choose to remove those freedoms, as they could choose to retain those freedoms. And I believe we are seeing that play out before us today.

    Our government has a wide range of responsibilities relating to operations of our country as a whole. These responsibilities and powers are enumerated within the US Constitution which also specifies how these responsibilities are to be carried out. There are limits and checks in place meant to provide for a balance of power. It may surprise you however, that equal protection under the law was not enumerated in the US Constitution originally and did not come about until the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution was ratified in 1868. Section I of the 14th Amendment says:

    All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

    U.S. Constitution | Constitution Annotated | | Library of Congress

    Section V of the 14th Amendment also allows for the creation of laws by Congress for the purpose of enforcement:

    The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.

    U.S. Constitution | Constitution Annotated | | Library of Congress

    And from this Amendment, along with the 12th Amendment, which abolishes slavery and indentured servitude, our Equal Opportunity Laws derive. The first Equal Opportunity law enacted after the ratification of the 14th Amendment was the Civil Rights Act of 1875 which was overturned by the US Supreme Court in the Civil Rights Cases of 1883. 81 years later the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was passed and is the law of the land today (as updated or amended). Title VII of this law specifically addresses employment practices within the country:

    SEC. 2000e-2. [Section 703]

    (a) Employer practices

    It shall be an unlawful employment practice for an employer –

    (1) to fail or refuse to hire or to discharge any individual, or otherwise to discriminate against any individual with respect to his compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment, because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin; or

    (2) to limit, segregate, or classify his employees or applicants for employment in any way which would deprive or tend to deprive any individual of employment opportunities or otherwise adversely affect his status as an employee, because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.

    Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 | U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (

    And with the enactment of this one law, the United States Government unleashed a firestorm of hatred, bigotry, racism, and inequality amongst the citizens of the land. Since 1964 the divisions within our land have become deeper, sharper, and more pronounced than ever before. And the reason for this is because Congress legislated morality out of our everyday business practices.

    Note the words of the 14th Amendment Section I: “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge …” It is key here that the 14th Amendment was intended to limit and define the power of the State over the people and not to limit or infringe upon the power of the people acting within the State.

    Also note that the 14th Amendment already assumes the rights of the people: “nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property …” The 14th Amendment recognizes that life, liberty, and the right to own property are already privileges recognized by our Constitution as being granted by our Creator. These are rights already recognized as being held by the people. And the 14th Amendment is prohibiting States from enacting laws that would deprive the people of these God given freedoms.

    However, what we got in Equal Opportunity Laws because of the 14th Amendment was not the protection of the people from the State, but rather the State limiting the freedom of the people by forcibly specifying the morals people should accept within their lives and how they are to conduct their business. Which had nothing to do with the protection of life, liberty, and the right to own property. And the way they did this was though the criteria: “because of such individual’s race, color, religion, sex, or national origin”.

    By segregating people, which is what you start to do when you divide by race, skin color, religion, sex, and national origin, you are not bringing people together and recognizing that all people are granted the right to life, liberty, and the right to own property, by their creator and that the entity they need protection from is the State, the Government of the land, and not themselves.

    And within this newfound segregation people began to create divisions that carved out specialties that never have existed before. No longer was it good enough to apply the laws of the land to the people, and no longer was it good enough to recognize the protection of the rights of the people, but now we have to bow to the insistent demands of special divisions and categories of people that is open ended and constantly growing and morphing (LBGTQIA+ – that is why they denote the acronym with a plus). And the irony then becomes that these new special interest groups take center stage and supplant the attention of the people of “race, color, religion, sex, and national origin” the laws were originally intended to protect.

    And out of this chaos, we get a Federal Government that does not celebrate the people, but rather paints a picture of activism coupled with enforcement of their own warped morality in an attempt to bend others to their will. We get a Federal Government that looks like this:

    Top Left: US President Joe Biden Top Right: US Vice President Kamala Harris
    Middle Left: Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg
    Middle Right: Assistant Secretary for Health Dr. Rachel Levine
    Bottom Left: White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre
    Bottom Right Top: (Former) Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition Sam Britton
    Bottom Right Bottom: Dr. Rachel Levine and Karine Jean-Pierre

    This is a Federal Government not intent on protecting and serving the people of the land. Rather this is a Federal Government intent on pushing an agenda of warped morality and over representing the views and practices of transgenders, and deviant morality found amongst the LBGTQIA+ Community. And that is an act that is ripping our country apart. We hear it in the words of our leadership. Words that are nothing more than sheer hatred and bigotry towards those with differing opinions and ideals, and words that set the people sharply against each other rather than bring the people together.

    So how do we bring the people of our nation together? We do it through the Cross of Jesus Christ. People who meet at the foot of the Cross of Jesus Christ recognize that we were all created by God for His honor and His glory. And people who meet at the foot of the Cross of Jesus Christ recognize that we are all sinners and have fallen short of God’s glory. And people at the foot of the Cross of Jesus Christ recognize that regardless of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin, we are all sustained by the hand of God. How do we bring a nation of people together? We do it through the family of God.

    Will you join me at the foot of the Cross of Jesus Christ today? I believe it is the only hope our nation has left.

  • Are Electronic Voting Machines A Danger to American Elections?

    Perhaps you have seen this story in the news. FOX News and Dominion Voting Systems Corporation came to an agreed upon settlement over an alleged defamation of Dominion Voting Systems Corporation by FOX News. FOX News has another potential lawsuit looming in their future from Smartmatic, another electronic voting machines company.

    And with one lawsuit now settled the American populace might very well believe that the issues are settled and that whatever the outcome, they will just have to live with whatever voting mechanism their local precinct provides.

    However, the question still remains, are electronic voting machines a danger to elections? This question has not been definitely answered in the arena of public debate. And given that free, open, and trustworthy elections are a bedrock to any democracy, it would seem important that we answer that question.

    In order to answer that question, we should understand what a ‘voting’ machine does. Perhaps you have experienced the tables with the guides built into them that you slide your paper ballot into. The guides cause certain blocks to align with a voting booklet anchored within the guides of the table. You vote by either checking or filling in a box, or by using a small punch pin to puncture a hole in the ballot paper. These ‘voting machines’ assist the voter with casting a ballot during an election. And they are not without problems. Who can forget the hanging chads of the 2000 U.S. Presidential election? And one need not look very far in order to discover horror stories of ballots that ended up misaligned in the table guides resulting in invalid or wrong votes being recorded.

    You may have also encountered the aforementioned electronic voting machines made by Dominion or Smartmatic. These machines also record your vote, and they may also transmit votes or a tally of votes.

    Voting machines are thus used to either aid in votes being made efficiently and easily, and then counting those votes, or both. And at the end of the day, they are nothing more than capture and tabulating machines. They do not even require the sophistication of a desktop calculator (such as the Texas Instruments TI-84) which contains far more processing power than any voting precinct would require.

    And when you introduce computers into a process that only requires a modest amount of simplicity, you introduce inherent risks. Technologies such as touchscreens, digital vote capture, and digital transmission of votes all bring risk to our election cycles unnecessarily. Dan Wallach has been a leading researcher of the use of electronic voting systems for several years (and full disclosure here, Dan is the son of Steve Wallach, the former VP of Engineering at Convex Computer Corporation. I worked for Convex in the early 1990’s. I do not know Dr. Wallach, I only worked in the organization his dad was the head of) and has led teams to study their vulnerabilities and strengths. Here are a couple of articles pertaining to his work: Texas 2020 Elections, and A Texas County Clerk’s Bold Crusade to Transform How We Vote | WIRED.

    I would encourage every voter in the USA to read Dr. Wallach’s work on voting machine security and listen to some of the professional testimony he has given (linked here) in order to help educate ourselves on risks we may, or may not be accepting within our voting processes.

    So, are these machines a danger to American Elections? From my perspective, I believe they absolutely are. And I also believe the American voting populace should be very concerned about them.

    Cyber Security experts the world over will attest to the many vulnerabilities of digital equipment/software. Computers, cellphones, even modern-day cars may be hacked. And digital voting machines have the potential to be hacked and have digital results altered. And why would we risk our National elections upon machines that while they bring some convenience to the voter (which is also debatable in all circumstances), also brings greater security risks along with it?

    Elections, no matter how they are conducted, are subject to fraud and abuse. The introduction of digital media into the process simply adds another avenue for the potential fraud and abuse to take place within.

    One possible solution to this problem might be to build the machines as tabulators only. They should be completely hardwired, contain no digital storage, and be completely open source. These tabulation machines could read a bar code or QR code off of a printed ballot along with a voter marking. Set bar codes or QR codes could be permanently assigned to parties. Thus, the Democrat Party would have a well-known bar code, the Republican Party would have a well-known bar code, along with the Libertarian Party, the Green Party, even write-in sections would have their own unique bar codes. Voters would mark their ballots with an indelible ink or a magnetic ink. The tabulation machines would then simply read the barcodes/QR codes that had been marked. Dual marked ballots would be rejected. All others would advance a counter as appropriate.

    At least with this method, the paper ballot would remain the voting mechanism as well as the voting record. Election disputes would be handled by the examination and recounting of the paper ballots. Only the number of ballots for registered voters in each precinct would need to be printed. Early voting and mail-in ballots should be eliminated completely. Military voting could be handled as its own district.

    These methods will not eliminate election fraud/voter fraud, but they might help reduce it. The American people need to make some hard and fast decisions concerning election practices moving forward. Decisions to secure our elections, reduce voter fraud, eliminate illegal alien voting (eliminate any non-citizen voting), and return trust and faith in our elections. And we need to do this in order to preserve the honor and integrity of our democracy.

    But these things will not come from our leaders. These changes will only come from the people. We must let our elected officials know that we require change, and then hold them accountable to that.

    Additional Research/Reading Material:

    Why paper is considered state-of-the-art voting technology (

    Texas voting machines aren’t switching votes | The Texas Tribune

    The voting machine hacking threat you probably haven’t heard about – POLITICO

    Electronic voting machines security risk | InfoWorld

    New Study Reveals Concerns with Electronic Voting Machines (

    Dan Wallach – Voting Machines –

    Dan S. Wallach | Faculty | The People of Rice | Rice University

    Dan Wallach / Home Page (

  • Would You Like To Write A Book?

    A lot of people have thought about writing a book. The idea of being published, seeing your work in print, having your book in a bookstore, are all romantic ideas that illicit fantasies of grandeur. But few have really considered what it would take to accomplish that. What is required? What are the challenges? What do you even need to know to begin?


    Well, I have taken that journey over the past few months and thought I’d share a bit of how my experiences went. This is not meant to be a comprehensive guide to having your work published or to provide steps so you can fulfill some lifelong dream of becoming an author, however it is the path that I wandered down and perhaps some of the lessons learned along the way will prove to be useful to you as well.

    Step One: Find your inspiration. This is probably the most important step of all. Some estimates state that about 1 million new books are published in the U.S. every year (Source: Chilkibo Publishing) which is more than 100 books every hour. Estimates for worldwide publishing range from 2 million to 4 million new books every year (Source: Wordsrated) which can equate to as many as 457 new books every hour. Consider those numbers carefully for just a brief moment. In the very best-case scenario, the moment you publish your new book you are already running a marathon against more than 100 other authors. And that is not counting the 100 that are ahead of you from the previous hour or the 100 that will join you in the next hour. You will literally be swimming in a sea of millions of other authors, and for that you had better have some strong inspiration.

    What is it that you want to say and how are you going to say it in such a way that is different from the hundreds of others that are writing the exact same thing at the exact same time as you are? What is it that is going to set your work apart from the crowd? How are you going to distinguish your work from all of the others? All of this comes down to do you really have anything to say? And how important is it to you that you say it?

    And note here we have not even addressed the audience yet. Everything up to this point is just you seriously coming to the conclusion that you must write a book. You have no choice. It is a desire, something within you that is a driving force that is not satisfied until you have put the thoughts and the words down on the page.

    Inspiration is a funny thing. You may be inspired to write a book and once you have completed that task be totally fulfilled. You may not care that your new book is ever read by another throughout all of human history. Just the fact that you wrote and published your book may be all the satisfaction you will ever need.

    However, your inspiration may drive you to reach an audience far and wide. And if that is the case, you should set your expectations tempered with reality. Of all the new books published every year, only about 1/2 of 1% (0.5%) make it to any kind of best sellers list. To make the New York Times Bestseller list you must sell between 1,000 to 10,000 copies per week (Wikipedia article). The wide variance is accounted for by type of work (historic, fiction, nonfiction) and category of work (religious, novel, science fiction, educational, novel). The reality is if you sell 2 books the very first week you are published it is because in your own excitement you went to Amazon and purchased your own book, or else you had friends and family purchase your book.

    My publisher stated that it was an average of 2 years for most of their authors to break even on their works. If we assume that a new author would need to sell 5,000 copies in order to break even, that would average out to about 48 book sales per week.

    So, my advice? Start a BLOG. Put up your own BLOG site. Invest the time and money to maintain a BLOG and watch the statistics to see if you can average 50 page views per week. And that should be an indicator to you. But in reality, you need much more than 50 page views per week because individuals are probably only going to buy one copy of your book. So, you would need 50 unique page views per week, which is a much harder statistic to reach.

    If you feel inspired to write a book, then by all means do so. It is an exciting and rewarding journey. Just ensure your inspiration isn’t telling you that you are going to sell a million copies the first year your book is published. It is much more pleasant to be surprised if it happens than it is to be disappointed when it doesn’t.

    Step Two: Writing your new book. So, how do you take all of that inspiration and put it into a format that anyone is going to read? You could get out pen and paper and sit down at your writing desk and begin the task of creating a book. Thousands of other authors are going to be entering the arena ahead of you every day though. So, while you could theoretically approach the problem in the same manner Benjamin Franklin used to publish his works, the reality of today’s world is that if you are not using the digital tools available to you, the world is probably going to pass you by and leave you sitting in the dust. So, you probably need a computer and some word processing software. And from here you have a lot of choices. However, before you just start with your favorite setup, you might want to consider your publishing method. We will get to publishing methods in just a bit, but for now, consider that different publishing methods only accept certain format files. And by far, the most common of these is Microsoft Word. And while you may be a fan of Pages, Page Maker, Open Office Writer, Frame Maker, or just want to use Notepad (or Notepad++) to capture the pages of your new book, at some point you are going to be required to provide the content in a specific format. And that format is most likely going to be Microsoft Word.

    But this is not to say you cannot use any product you want and then convert the resulting file to MS Word format, you can. However, the editor wants the format they specify for a reason, usually because they work with the printer in that format. And thus, all of the edits, revisions and reviews will be passed back and forth in that format. And if you do not choose a format they are willing to work with, then you are going to be caught in a never-ending cycle of translating files from one format to another, back and forth. And no matter how good you think your software is or how much faith you have in the format translation abilities, little nuances are always lost in translation. Especially when you start working with things like “Track Changes“.

    I get the fact that some people can be extremely bigoted when it comes to the hardware and software products they choose to use, and that their biases can drive them to endure a lot of pain and jumping through hoops. But if you really want to write a book and get it published, you would do yourself a huge favor and just learn and adapt to the constraints placed upon you by the publisher. And if that means you are writing Nutshell Programming books for O’Reilly Media you might find yourself working with Gnu software, and if you are writing a plain text work and are not planning on registering the work with the Library of Congress (which publishers will do), applying for copyright or an ISBN (How to get an ISBN), and are going to provide for your own editing, formatting, and design and layout, you may very well be able to produce your work in VI (or VIM if you are not old-school), Emacs, Notepad, or any other text editor of your choice. However, the rest of us will probably just end up using MS Word.

    The point here is that you are not constrained by what you do, but you may be constrained by the choices you make. There is a huge world out there with a lot of different options and possibilities. But depending on the path you take at any one point in the process, you may find yourself burdened with unnecessary and unwanted work. So, make sure you apply due diligence up front so that you fully understand the world you are entering and that there are no surprises.

    You also have the option of taking a hybrid approach. I relied on a number of different people for advice and comments when I was writing my book. Some of those people did not have MS Word available to them (or did not want to invest in it simply to review my work) and so they took the MS Word document I sent them and translated it into Pages. So, the document (with their comments) that came back to me was a Pages document. But I also have Pages in addition to MS Word and had the ability to bring up both the Pages document and the MS Word document side-by-side. And while this approach may not be ideal for all people, it certainly worked for me.

    If you are one of those people who feels very strongly about the computer and editing software you use, I would recommend skipping ahead to Step Three, and choosing your publishing method first. And in choosing your publishing method I would check to make sure the file format you intend to submit to them is accepted.

    Another consideration in the tools category is writing helps. There are a number of options available here as well. When considering writing helps let me pass along what my publisher told me. Of the hundreds of new book submissions they receive every day, there are those that while they recognize there are words on a page, they have no idea what ideas or thoughts those words are trying to convey. In this case it might be really useful to work with a publisher as they will work with you to get to the root of what you want to put into your book and help you frame that properly. Then there are those who have a written work, and that work does tell a story, have a message, or present ideas. However, it is not a book. It is not written well or in a manner that will appeal to a wide audience. These works generally take a lot of editing. And then there are those works that present concise ideas and are well written. These works generally take a simple check for spelling and grammar.

    No matter what your writing style or your level of expertise, you would be wise to just check your pride and ambition at the door. As a friend of mine once told me: “A good book isn’t written. It is re-written.” Even the best-selling authors rely on editors, proofreads, drafts, and re-writes in order to get to a polished and professional work that will appeal to many and end up a best seller.

    And you would be wise to avail yourself to all the resources you can at all steps in the process. On this list of resources are both free and paid services. And this should be part of your consideration. Sources such as Author Solutions can point you to writing classes and self-help guides. They also will immerse you into the community of new and experienced authors that you can collaborate with and that will share hints, tips, and tradecraft knowledge. There are tools such as Grammarly, that will help take some of the heavy lifting out of writing a good work. There are a wide range of offerings out there just by searching for “Author helps” in your favorite browser. And depending on your chosen publishing method, some of these may be helpful or may not. Use caution here and explore all options before settling on the one right for you.

    Spell checkers. The all-important spell checker is a necessity and a friend. However, not all spelling is equal. If you are using a publisher, you will want to check with them to understand their preferred spelling sources.

    I had been using as the authoritative spelling source for most of my BLOG posts. You will find multiple links in past articles. There are many popular dictionaries out there. Such as the American Heritage Dictionary, the Oxford English Dictionary, the Cambridge Dictionary, and the Merriam-Webster Dictionary to name some of the more popular ones. And while you may think that these are all equal when it comes to spelling, they are not. And depending on your choices, you may be constrained to one or another. The publisher I chose uses the Merriam-Webster Dictionary for all editorial content. And you can save yourself a lot of anguish during the editing process by knowing that up front. So, I have now made the switch to Merriam-Webster (even though you may still see links to in my BLOG posts for convivence).

    The tools that you use may also narrow your choices of computers and word editors as well. For example, while Grammarly list MS Word and Google Docs as supported word processors, you may not be able to use it with products such as Pages or Open Office Writer.

    Another consideration in writing your book is style. And here, your audience is just as important as your own personal literary license. You may choose to write a work in a Southern drawl, and depending on the work, that may be perfectly fine. However, if you are working with a publisher you need to remember that they are working with a wide range of different authors and styles. And they cannot cater to the masses. So, publishers will generally adhere to one particular guide or another. For example, the publisher I worked with to put my book out uses the Chicago Manual of Style as their writing style guideline. And you may rest assured that the Chicago Manual of Style is not going to account for Southern drawl. So “y’all” or “yall” is probably going to be flagged every single time.

    The good news here is that the author always has control over their own content, and you may sometimes override the rules. The controls do not prevent you from writing in your own style, rather they take your style of writing and add polish and professionalism that will make it great.

    The one thing you should always keep in mind about publisher rules and guidelines is that they are there to maintain a certain level of consistency across all of the works the publisher puts out. Publishers have standards because they are in business to sell books, and in doing so they establish a reputation in the industry for delivering quality products. Their standards help them maintain those levels of quality.

    And if you cannot, or do not wish to meet the standards imposed by a particular publisher, then you could choose to use another publisher, or not use a publisher all together.

    Step Three: Now that you have been inspired and invested a lot of time and effort writing your new book, you need to make it available to others to read. And just like every other step in this business, there are a multitude of options available to you. And they all have their pros and cons, and the sheer number of them would take you multiple weeks of full-time investment to research. So, what do you do? To begin with, there are three very basic publishing arenas you might fall into. So, you probably want to decide which avenue or path you want to take:

    (1) The first of these is the publisher pays you for your work. This happens if you are a former President of a country, a very famous sports personality, a Rock Star, or the richest person in the world. It will also happen if you are already a proven best-selling author. Publishers are willing to take the risk on Stephen King because he is a proven commodity. The chances of a new Stephen King novel becoming a best seller are pretty good. Publishers are also willing to take some risk on very famous personalities because the likely interest from the public resulting in high sales of their books is generally very good. Sometimes publishers are willing to gamble so much they will pay an author for unwritten works. And if the person is famous enough, multiple publishers may enter bidding wars trying to get the person to sign with them. Unless you meet one of these conditions however, you are very, very unlikely to find a publisher that just “shows up at your door” and just pays you outright in order to be able to publish your work.

    (2) The second method is to simply buy publishing services. There may be as many publishers to choose from as there are writing tools you could use. There are tiny publishers, small publishers, medium publishers, and large publishers. And they provide just as wide a range of services.

    To begin with, even though you are purchasing publishing services, this method is still considered “self publishing”. And because it is considered “self publishing” do not make the mistake of thinking the publisher is your partner in this venture. They are simply going to provide the services specified that you are paying for. Sometimes to a bare minimum level.

    The costs for these services vary by publisher but can range from $1,000.00 to $16,000.00 depending on level of services. The larger publishers will generally offer packages with various book design and marketing options.

    The publishers make their money off of selling these packages and through the sheer number of new publications out there. Recall that there are as many as 1 million new books published in the U.S. every year? Most of those are going to be self-published through a publisher. If we are very conservative and calculate the number at just 70% (it is probably above 90%), then 700,000 authors are purchasing a publishing package. And if all of those spend a bare minimum of $1,000.00 then we are talking about a $700,000,000.00 industry. And if we just take a median price of $8,000.00, then we are talking about a $5,600,000,000.00 industry. And indeed, we find the $5 billion figure to be a little closer to reality when we look at book sales.

    But the publisher’s income does not stop there. They also make money off the sale of your new book. And this is not insignificant. First of all, let’s look at an example book sale. You have written a new 150 page book that you purchased publishing services for. Your new book will be available in 3 formats: hardcover, softcover, and eBook (digital). Pricing is set at $4.99 for the eBook, $13.99 for the softcover and $30.00 for the hardcover editions. Your new book will be sold through multiple outlets. It will be available on the publisher’s online store, through Amazon book sales, from Barnes & Nobel, and book distributors who buy for smaller “mom & pop” book stores. You will receive 25% royalties from hardcover and softcover sales made from the publisher. And you will receive 10% royalties from hardcover and softcover sales through all other outlets. You will receive 100% royalties of any eBook sale.

    Typical book sales in America today are from either Amazon or a bookstore like Barnes & Nobel. Most are going to be softcopy editions. A single sale of your new book under this scenario is going to make $13.99 of which you will receive $1.40. In this scenario the book seller (either Amazon or Barnes & Nobel) needs to make a profit. The book seller typically buys the book at 40% off retail price from the publisher. So, lets estimate your book costs them $8.39 (and they are expecting a $5.60 profit). The publisher also has to pay the printer. Printing prices vary greatly by number of books printed, format, and features (such as included photos or pictures). But I crudely estimate that to print one copy of your book is going to cost the publisher about $3.00 (it would cost you $6.00 if you were printing on your own). And the publisher also has to pay distribution costs. Which is another variable cost but we’ll estimate 2% or about $0.28. So, the publisher is selling your new book at $13.99 and it costs them ($1.40 royalties + $5.60 40% discount + $3.00 printing + $0.28 distribution = $10.28). So the publisher makes about $3.71 on the sale of your book. So, if each new book sold just one copy we could add another $2,597,000.00 onto the industry total (however, based on about 800 million books sold each year, each new book probably sells closer to 300 – 500 copies which conservatively drives the revenue from new book sales that publishers make closer to $1 billion across the industry).

    The point here is that once you have purchased a publishing package from a publisher, they have made their money. They have made money off of the sale of services, and they will make money off the sale of the book. Even if you only sell a single copy. The publisher knows new authors are not likely to sell a high quantity of books, but when there are more than 100 new books published every hour, they are happy with just a single copy sold of each of them.

    In a very real sense, the publisher is motivated to provide their services and move on to the next author as it is a numbers game for them. And while the statistics show that authors do publish multiple books over time (there are fewer authors than books published), typically authors only publish 1 to 2 books every 3 to 5 years (Source: Self Publishing Hub). So, from the publisher’s perspective, unless you are a really successful author, the more time they invest in you, the more it is cutting into their profits. They want to provide the services and move on, they’ll probably see you again in about 3 years and the cycle will start all over again.

    The services that you purchase through publishing packages are varied. And you need to check the package carefully as there may be upcharges (or additional charges later on). For example – consider these publishing packages: WestBow Press. What you do not see available in any of the packages (from the cheapest to the most expensive) is Editing. This is because editing is usually charged on a per word basis. Anywhere from $0.02 to $0.04 per word. And this charge cannot be assessed until your book is ready for editing (usually after several drafts). And there other things that don’t show up in the publishing package that are either upsells or addons later on in the process. So, you may purchase a publishing package that covers most things in the publishing process, however you should just expect additional expenses.

    The publisher may also guide you to, or recommend, other services that come at a cost. These services may, or may not be available commercially, however it is likely that whether they are or not, they will come with some sort of discount when acquired through the publisher.

    (3) The third method is to do everything on your own. You can do some of the things (perhaps a lot of the things) a publisher does on your own. And there are (once again) a ton of resources out there to help guide you through the process. Amazon Books has probably done more to encourage the growth of these resources and the increase in new (first time) authors than any other single business in modern times. Online bookstores (as well as digital eBooks) coupled with modern methods of content production (such as this very BLOG), have made it possible for just about anyone alive today to publish whatever content they want to just about anyone in the world.

    When choosing this method of self-publishing, you typically have everything under your control, but it also means you bear the responsibility for ensuring everything is done correctly. However, if you have the time, patience, and initative to learn and carry through with the process, you may save yourself quite a bit of money during the publishing process through this method. Furthermore, you will have more control over how and where you spend your money for various pieces of the project. A very cheap and loose analogy for comparison between purchasing a publishing package and just doing everything on your own might be considering a publishing package as buying furniture requiring some assembly. All the parts are there, and the more complicated pieces may already be put together, you just need to assemble everything into the final product. Whereas when you strike out on your own, you are more of a craftsman and you are making the furniture parts, as well as putting them together. You require the tools and the knowledge, and in some cases, the skill and expertise to create and make furniture.

    You will still end up spending some money though. Somewhere between $300.00 to $600.00 is probably typical (this is just an estimate on my part, I did not research this statistic). But you will end up spending some money. But it will be less than the $2,000.00 – $6,000.00 usually spent with publishers on publishing packages.

    The amount of money you end up spending depends upon the amount of work you are willing to do on your own.

    The (very) important thing to remember here is that a publisher will take care of a lot of things behind your back when you purchase a publishing package. Things like preparing copyrights, filing for ISBN and Library of Congress Control numbers, as well as bringing a whole host of other services to the table. And indeed, you may choose to either do all of these things on your own, buy some subset of them, or not have any of them at all. This BLOG, in and of itself, is a publication. And it does not have an ISBN or a Library of Congress Control Number. And your book is not required to have them either, but they help.

    Probably the key to doing everything on your own, or having things done in parts, if educating yourself on the process and all of the various options available to you. And there are a lot of resources to help you do that. Here are a few that I’ve found that may help get you started:

    A World of Publishing | iUniverse

    O’Reilly Media – Technology and Business Training (

    U.S. Copyright Office | U.S. Copyright Office

    Publishers: Services and Resources for the Publishing Community (Library of Congress) (

    How to Get an ISBN Number for a Self-Published Book (

    Book Printing Services: Author’s Guide to the Best Book Printing Services (

    Welcome to the U.S. ISBN Agency! |

    U.S. Book Industry – statistics & facts | Statista

    Book publishing services at 50% discount | The Native Publishers

    Book publishing services at 50% discount | Ghost Writers Crew

    Step Four: How do you choose? So, as you can possibly surmise by now, there are far more options in book publishing than there are in purchasing a new car. How in the world do you navigate those waters? Here are a few obvious pointers:

    Budget: Decide up front how much of your own hard-earned money you are willing to risk on this venture. If you are not willing to invest $2,500.00 or more, traditional publishers along with their publishing packages are probably not for you. If you want to enter the authoring world really, really cheap ($500.00 or less), then using the smaller services and doing more on your own is the way to go. But planning up front and knowing what you are about to embark upon is key.

    Research: Don’t just pick the first thing that comes along. Carefully look at multiple options and educate yourself on each.

    Considerations: When making your choices, weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each. For example, if you are writing a new book on the programming language Python, consider all of the strength that O’Rilley Books would afford you. The same is true if you are writing a romance novel, in that case Harper Collins should probably be at the top of your list to talk to. These publishers built their reputations on publishing and selling quality technical books and fictional romance novels respectively. They have developed marketing and outreach networks worldwide, and they can offer far more expertise than the local writers club down the street or on the Internet.

    Listen: Publishers are not necessarily your friend. Publishers want to make money off of your book just as much, if not more, than you do. And they will be honest with you. If they tell you they find no value in your book, they are speaking from vast experience and they most likely have a very valid reason for telling you that. Listen to those around you, usually the best advice comes from the most unlikely places.

    Step Five: Now that you have a book, you need to distribute it to the world. Marketing. Marketing. Marketing. Marketing is key (and marketing is king). This is the best thing that a reputable publisher can bring to the table. And in reality, it is probably what most of their expensive package fees are going towards. Marketing is the one thing you do not have when you go it on your own or choose the smaller services, writing clubs, and cheaper options.

    Sure, you can just put your new book up on Amazon. You can develop your own Author’s Page. But you will most likely end up in the noise along with all of the other hundreds of new books reaching the site every hour.

    Another thing you could do is go to work for FOX News. Apparently these days, almost every single personality on FOX News has written a book:

    Kat Timpf / Tyrus / Greg Gutfeld / Jeanine Pirro / Harris Faulkner / Raymond Arroyo / Shannon Bream / Jessi Watters

    I could probably list many more but I believe you get the picture. You go to work for FOX News, write a book, and all of your co-workers promote your book on air. This is the kind of marketing any author would crawl across a dessert of broken glass for. But this is how important marketing is. It is vital. And if you watch FOX News you will notice that they just don’t mention a new book once and then move on. No, they mention it over and over again and on nearly every show. They introduce the person as: “Kat Timpf, author of the new book You Can’t Joke About That“. And why do they do that? Marketing.

    Most of us are not going to get that type of marketing for our new books, so how we treat marketing is going to be key to our success or failure. And you should never underestimate the value of spending a little money on the correct marketing.

    Step Six: Prepare for the unknowns. There are a lot of scams out there. Once you publish a new book they will start crawling out of the woodwork. Even if you are an unknown. You would be surprised at how quickly they act. Your very first book will hit the market, no one in the world knows who you are, and suddenly you will get a call from someone who is going to put you on a nationally syndicated TV show or POD CAST. But only after you pay them $2,000.00.

    You could look at that as paying $2,000.00 for some marketing, or you could look at that as risking $2,000.00 and getting nothing in return. And if someone just calls you out of the blue, and is struggling to even describe the service you are going to receive, chances are it is a scam.

    So, just be prepared for anything and everything. And once again this is where a reputable and established publisher can help you. This is one of the things that you are paying for in those expensive publishing packages. Protection from some of the unknowns. It is amazing how quickly those people crawling out of the woodwork will hang up once they hear the words “You will have to contact my publisher to work that out.”

    Well this have been a very, very long post (for me anyways), but that is a synopsis of my journey to publish my very first book: The Greatest Pleas Ever Made (which I hope you will check out). Hopefully some of my journey will provide some insight to others aspiring to be the world’s next great author.

  • Are There Spiritual Battles?

    Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

    Ephesians 6:11-13

    One of the greatest testaments to the authenticity of the Bible to me is spiritual battles. The Bible proves itself over and over again with fulfilled prophecies, wisdom and knowledge that could not have come from humankind, unexplained miracles that could not have occurred without divine intervention, and the explanation of why there is good and evil in the world. As a matter of fact, these evidences are so overwhelming that it is sometimes a mystery to me that billions upon billions of people throughout history fail to recognize it as the Word of God.

    And we all do not have to become Biblical scholars and historians that study and interpret ancient texts in order to see and understand the truth and reality of the Bible in the world around us today.

    And within America, we need look no further than our own political arena. Yesterday was an historic moment in American history with the arrest and arraignment of a former US President: USA Today. And one must ask themselves why? Why was it necessary to bring charges against a former US President when this has never before been done in US History?

    And New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg (who brought the charges against former President Donald Trump) tells us it is because no one is above the law. In his statement on the arrest, he told us that the charges were serious and that the State of New York takes them very seriously: Yahoo News. All while pundits, scholars, attorneys, and political figures from both sides of the aisle are scratching their heads and publicly stating that the charges do not make sense and that they are rife with errors and that they could not, and should not, hold up in a court of law.

    So why would DA Bragg risk his reputation and his future with such a reckless and foolish action? What is it that drives him to believe that a case that so many believe has no merit is the case he should risk his entire career on?

    Others will tell us that the charges are absolutely necessary in order to keep President Donald Trump out of office for a second term. But one must then ask themselves why is it necessary to ensure the voters of the American populace cannot vote for themselves?

    And the answer here is that President Trump is evil and he stole the election in the first place. Which is absolutely amazing to me because the Democrat Party (for the most part) demonizes “MAGA Republicans” for the claim that the election was stolen from Donald Trump. And by doing this the Democrat Party has made itself out to be the Party that more closely aligns with its party emblem:

    I’m not sure the Democrat Pary realizes (or recognizes) just how stupid, idiotic, and moronic an argument this is. So, they are telling us that the Party that knows all previous elections were not stolen (and belittles anyone who even remotely suggests that they were) is now persecuting a former President because he stole an election (originally) and then tried to steal an election (this is what the charges are about) and they must prevent this from happening again? And all while doing this they are themselves manipulating and attempting to thwart the next US Presidential election by removing the leading candidate from the field. In other words, they are currently trying to steal a future election.

    And these battles take place with hate, and malice, and anger. You can see the seething hate in Nancy Pelosi’s eyes when she talks about President Donald Trump. There are no other rational explanations other than hate to understand DA Bragg’s actions in charging President Donald Trump at this moment in time.

    And where does all of this hate and malice and anger come from? I thought the Democrat Party was supposed to be the Party of love, compassion, mercy, and forgiveness. Can we not find it in our hearts to just forgive and forget? Can we not just spread a little (just a little) love today?

    And the answer to these questions is “apparently not”. But why not? And one may very well ask whether or not I am angry over what is happening in America today. And the answer is: “Of course I am”. I understand that I cannot love abortion, and perversion, and evil at the same time I love God. For I will either hate one and serve the other or serve one and hate God.

    Where does all of this hatred and division come from? The answer is staring us right in the face: It is a Spiritual warfare. And how do I know this is a Spiritual warfare? Well look at what we are fighting over. Abortion. LBGTQIA+ rights. Wokeness. Who can teach and influence our children. Christian values. Diversity, Equality, Inclusion (DEI). Reparations. Black Lives Matter. Make America Great Again (MAGA). Just look at all of things that litter the battleground, they all come down to Biblical values. These are absolutely Spiritual battles and they are determining the outcomes of lives for all of eternity.

    And the only question that remains is what side will you end up on? And to answer this question in my own life I often look at what side aligns with the Holy Word of God. Because if the Bible is accurate enough to actually predict the spiritual warfare that we witness around us every day, then is it absolutely accurate enough to guide me to the side that God stands on. Which side will you choose?

  • Where have my BLOG posts been?

    I’ve been retired from the U.S. Department of Defense for about 15 months now. And one of my activities in retirement was supposed to be more writing. More to the point I was planning on weekly and monthly posts on this site. After all, I’ve invested a fair bit of money into it since 2014.

    However, the last 15 months have not seen monthly posts let alone weekly posts. So, what have I been up to?

    Well, the answer to that is I have been writing, just not here. And now the work I’ve been dedicated to is finally making its way into the public eye.

    My first ever book is now available for pre-order on the Westbow Press WEB site: BookStore (

    And may be ordered from this page: WestBowPress

    The book, The Greatest Pleas Ever Made, intends to show that Holy Scripture is relevant to our lives today. Struggles, trials, tribulations, the problems we experience in our lives today are not all that different from what societies have faced since the world began. We simply believe that they are more complicated today because somehow, we have more technology and are more “enlightened”. We never stop to consider that being hungry, or lost, or depressed, or hurt are human conditions that come along because of sin in the world and have been with us since the Garden of Eden. And none of what is tearing us down today is because of how advanced we are as a Nation. The book also looks at how many of our problems today could be avoided with belief in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and how when we turn our pleas for help to Him, we gain His ear, and He ushers in His love and His grace and His peace and His mercy. And we have our spirits and our lives renewed in order to build a better world.

    So please check out my new book and leave a comment here or a review on the Westbow Press WEB site and let me know what you think.

  • Where Was Jesus From?

    Over the years I have often heard the phrase ‘Every church has one’, and in every single case it was not meant to refer to a piece of architecture within the building. Oh sure, you could say every church has a cross. Which would probably be true of most protestant churches. But that is not what the phrase was ever attached to. Rather when someone used the phrase ‘Every church has one‘ it was a reference to a person and was generally not used in a very flattering way. The phrase is meant to identify a stereotype, that may, or may not, be likable, and then to assert that stereotype is common enough as to be able to predict finding it in other churches other than your own.

    And even though we should all be cautious about building stereotypes, the truth is that for all of our differences, we have a lot of commonalities, and we tend to act in similar ways and to mimic behaviors of others. And these behaviors and mannerisms we hold in common allow us to identify stereotypes. And being human, we then tend to ridicule and debase those stereotypes we find different than our own.

    However, today I am going to tread on that dangerous ground, and sincerely pray that it is the example and the analogy that you find value in, and not the fact that the example is born out of what could be called a stereotype.

    In our church there is a very nice older gentleman who is extremely outgoing and friendly. His name is Bob. And while I am hesitant to state that you must certainly have a Bob in your own church, I am fairly confident that you know the type of person I am referring to. That one person who always has to greet everyone. And everyone means every single person who comes through the door. Any door. Including doors they may not be standing at or watching.

    And Bob will generally go on a mission prior to every Sunday service to make sure he has worked his way up and down the isles in order to greet everyone in the sanctuary. And Bob will generally ask a question or two as he greets you and welcomes you to the church. However, Bob is an elderly gentleman. And as such, his memory is probably not as sharp as a younger person. And I can certainly empathize with Bob. The last few years have found me in increasingly more situations struggling with trying to remember something that I am sure I should have right on the top of my head. In Bob’s case, there may be times when he just does not remember you or may not recall a previous conversation. Which will end up with repeats of Bob’s favorite questions. The top one of which is “Where are you folks from?”

    Now granted, if you do know a Bob in your local church, they may not ask the same question all the time. However, here in Hawaii we see a lot of new faces all the time. The number of locals is really quite small. Whereas the number of tourists or transient families is quite high. Military family turnover is regular and constant. Such that the church is always seeing new families arrive and families that seemingly arrived yesterday depart. So, the one question that Bob asks repeatedly is “Where are you folks from?”

    When someone asks you where you are from, they could have a very wide variety of driving motivations which are generally difficult to discern. They could be fascinated with those who have traveled from faraway places. They could be looking for a familiar link or common experience of a place they can relate to. Or they could even be trying to discover whether or not you are one of those people. That would be the people from places they find seedy or less than desirable. Whatever the motivations, I’ve always been fascinated with people who have to know where you are from. I’m usually thinking to myself “I’m from Earth. Why? Are you from a different planet?” However, I usually end up asking the person where they are from.

    But there might be a better question to ask someone when they ask you where you are from. And that is: “Where is Jesus from?” I wonder how Bob might answer that question? I assume that most people would answer that Jesus was from Nazareth: “And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene.” Matthew 2:23 KJV.

    But when someone asks you where you are from, don’t they really mean “Where were you born?” And for Jesus, that would be Bethlehem: “Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,” Matthew 2:1 KJV.

    Sometimes they mean “Where did you grow up?” And certainly Jesus spent a few of His younger years in Egypt: “And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.  When he arose, he took the young child and his mother by night, and departed into Egypt: And was there until the death of Herod: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called my son.” Matthew 2:13=15 KJV.

    Or they might even mean “Where did you work?” And for Jesus, most of His career was based in Galilee: Now Peter sat without in the palace: and a damsel came unto him, saying, Thou also wast with Jesus of Galilee.” Matthew 26:69 KJV.

    But were any of these places really where Jesus was from? Was He from Bethlehem, Nazareth, Egypt, or Galilee? He was called as one from these places, but no, Jesus came down from Heaven where He had been for all of eternity with God the Father: “Jesus knowing that the Father had given all things into his hands, and that he was come from God, and went to God;” John 13:3 KJV. Jesus came FROM God and He went TO God.

    And this is the real danger in wanting to know where someone is FROM, it is much more important to know where they are AT. Do you know where Jesus Christ is AT today? Is He a part of your life? Is He your Lord and Savior? He wants to be.

  • Who Owns Death? (Part II)

    I left off this topic in part I with Satan having stolen the spiritual life of humanity from God.

    13 In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, 14 Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory. 15 Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, and love unto all the saints, (Ephesians 1:13-15 KJV)

    Ephesians 1:13-15

    The redemption of the purchased possession is our spiritual life. And why would our spiritual life need to be purchased? Paul tells us for the praise of His glory. God’s entire plan from the outset was for His glory and His honor. He could not have redeemed us, nor would we be a purchased possession, unless He had first lost us, or allowed us to be stolen away by Satan. This was God’s opportunity to demonstrate how far He would go for His creation not our opportunity to demonstrate some loyalty to the creator.

    In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him. 10 Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. 11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another. (I John 4:9-11 KJV)

    1 John 4:9-11

    In God’s plan, there was nothing we could do on our own to keep our spiritual life. It was His love towards us and His action of sending His only begotten Son into the world that we then have the opportunity to live through him. Otherwise, we are dead in sin:

    24 Who his own self bare our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed. (I Peter 2:24 KJV)

    1 Peter 2:24

    God clearly had to take physical action on the part of His creation, in order for us to regain our spiritual lives. And that would not have been necessary if we were not already spiritually dead. And we are spiritually dead because we chose the lie of Satan over the truth of God, and through those actions God allowed Satan to steal away our spiritual life.

    But what about our physical life? Who owns that? And we are going to physically die, right? It should be pretty evident that everyone that has lived, has died. Even Jesus Christ, God incarnate in the flesh, who was born into this world as a man, and lived as a man, died on the cross. Did Satan steal away Jesus’s physical life on the cross? And if Satan had dominion over the physical life, why wouldn’t he have just stopped Jesus from coming into the world in the first place?

    The plausible answer is that Satan does not own our physical death. He has no control over it, nor can he influence it, nor does he know the time, the place, or the method by which we depart this physical world.

    Consider Satan’s discussion with God concerning the servant Job:

    And the Lord said unto Satan, Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a perfect and an upright man, one that feareth God, and escheweth evil? and still he holdeth fast his integrity, although thou movedst me against him, to destroy him without cause. And Satan answered the Lord, and said, Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life. But put forth thine hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, and he will curse thee to thy face. And the Lord said unto Satan, Behold, he is in thine hand; but save his life. (Job 2:3-6 KJV)

    Job 2:3-6

    Note that Satan first suggests that God put forth His hand and touch the bone and flesh of Job so that he would curse God to His face. And this was after making the argument that Job’s integrity was due to God preserving his physical life. If Satan had control over that physical life, why wouldn’t he have just taken action on his own? And then note that God gives Job over to Satan but does not allow him to take his physical life? How could God have protected Job’s physical life unless he first owned it?

    Obviously, He could not have. And yet He did because God owns our physical lives and our physical death. The Angel of death is an emissary of God. Likewise, God owns physical life as He demonstrated in raising Lazarus from the dead and more than 500 when Jesus Himself walked out of the tomb. When Jesus Christ prayed in the garden to not have to drink of the cup, it was not the death of the cross that burdened His soul, rather it was the impending spiritual death He would take on when He was separated, for the first time ever, from God the Father and God the Holy Spirit.

    But why is all of this important to us today? And who cares if Satan owns our Spiritual death while God owns our physical death? Well, I believe it is important because we tend to get the two mixed up and place the emphasis in the wrong place. And I have even heard this preached incorrectly at times, or at least with great confusion. There is one passage that confounds the atheist:

    And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. 24 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it. 25 For what is a man advantaged, if he gain the whole world, and lose himself, or be cast away? (Luke 9:23-25 KJV)

    Luke 9:23-25

    Jesus was saying if you strive to save your physical life, you will lose your spiritual life, but if you lose your physical life for His sake, you gain spiritual life.

    There are some things that I can absolutely guarantee you today. And one of those is that you will physically live forever. Oh sure, you will physically die in this world because of the sin curse and God keeping us from partaking of the Tree of Life, however, God will raise you from that death, all of us, believers and unbelievers alike, in order to stand in judgement before Him. And if you are still spiritually dead in that day, your physical life will be lost in Hell forever, however if you are spiritually alive in that day, your physical life will be spent as part of God’s family for all of eternity.

    Don’t lose your spiritual life over this physical life, nor lose your eternal physical life by not gaining your spiritual life in this physical life. You simply need to believe on the name that is above all names, the name of Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, who died on the cross for the sins of the world and sits at the right hand of God the Father today.

  • Who Owns Death? (Part I)

    Death is a subject that may not interest very many people. For some it may be something that looms over their head that they just don’t want to think about. For others it may be a mystery that grips the heart with fear. Still others have some morbid fascination with death that defies logic and explanation. But one thing is for sure, it is something that is universal and affects each and every person who lives.

    Given that death may be such an uncomfortable subject that most people don’t want to get into, or even think about, why would I devote a BLOG post to it? Especially since my BLOG purports to talk about Life/Religion/Politics/Science/and Philosophy? And while there may not seem to be any connection with death in that topic list, death is something we deal with in life, and it has very serious and important consequences in the Religious (Spiritual) realm. But my purpose for bringing it up today is to hopefully have people, especially, Christians, think about it a little bit differently than what is typically put forth in mainstream conversations. I believe that we treat several conversations about death incorrectly and that concerns me for a number of reasons. So that is why I’d like to share my thoughts on death today.

    When we talk about death, the very first thing we should consider, and the most important thing we should clarify, is Which death are we talking about? For the atheist or agnostic, there is probably surprise (or disbelief) at the concept of multiple deaths. But for the theist, and especially Christians, two deaths should be known and understood. Scripture makes it very clear that there are two deaths (Revelation 2:10-12, Revelation 20:5-7, Revelation 20:13-15, and Revelation 21:7-9 King James Version Bible). If there is a second death mentioned, it would only follow that there is a first death. Christians know these two deaths as the physical death and the spiritual death.

    Everyone knows of the physical death regardless of your world view. Things live and die. It is the cycle of life. For the evolutionist this is the end. Nothing else happens (by-the-way, if you are an Evolutionist who believes in some type of afterlife or spirit world, you are at odds with evolutionary theory which does not allow for any type of god or higher being).

    For the agnostic, you might believe in reincarnation, so something that allows the spirit to still inhabit the earth (as in ghosts, ghouls, or goblins), but there is little rational thought around those ideas, and they lack purpose, meaning, or hope.

    For the theist however, there is an afterlife, perpetuated by a god. And for Christians that God is Jehovah God. And the part of the being that carries forward is the spirit. And most theists, Christians included, believe that God (or gods for polytheists) provide a new body when this this present physical body dies.

    The second death, or spiritual death is unique to Christians and Judaism, and has no meaning to either atheists, agnostics, or most other religions.

    So far, I believe that about 80% – 90% of people are understanding of at least one, some, or all of these concepts and think there is nothing new here. So, let me ask you a question, Who owns death? And let’s be even more specific and identify who owns each death.

    This is where I believe so many people begin to get things wrong (even in some churches). Because believe it or not, I believe they are not the same.

    In Genesis 2:17 the death talked about is clearly spiritual death. This is obvious because when Adam ate of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, he did not immediately physically die. But at the same time Adam sealed the fate of humanities mortality to physically die. And we know this because in Genesis 3:22-24 God clearly indicated that He would honor His original design should Adam eat of the tree of life. And God clearly took steps to not allow that to happen.

    So here we see God exercising control over physical life and death. Both in the fact that Adam and Eve did not immediately physically die when they sinned against God, and by not allowing them to live forever by eating of the tree of life.

    But what of spiritual death? Satan was the one who deceived Eve with a lie. We see this in Genesis 3:1-7. Yet God did not intervene. He allowed Adam and Eve to make a choice. Free will. To either gamble on Satan’s lie, or to adhere to the truth. And he allowed Satan to deceive because he gave over the spiritual life to Satan.

    I am sure there are Bible scholars screaming at their screens right now. God did what!?! OK, OK, the proper way to describe it in the words of Paul is that Satan stole humanity away from God (Ephesians 1:13-15, Hebrews 9:11-16). But I’m going to maintain that no one, not even Satan, can steal from God that which He does not allow to be stolen. Allow me a few verses to illustrate. Christians know that humans start their physical lives dead in trespasses and sin (Ephesians 2:1-3, Colossians 2:12-14). That is, we inherit the sin nature, and its condition, from Adam (Romans 5:6-21). And in this passage, we even see Paul explain that even though we did not sin in the same manner of Adam, we are still sinners (Romans 5:14).

    What we see here is that from Satan’s initial lie to Eve, humanity has been trapped in sin (spiritual death). And we all see that God sent His Son in order to pay our sin debt (buy us back). And why would God need to buy back that which was stolen from Him? And what does any of that have to do with physical death? And what is the relevance to you today?

    Come back and read Part II to find out.

  • What Will Wisdom Gain You?

    I come from a family of fairly well-educated individuals. My paternal grandfather was a public-school administrator, my parents, an aunt, and my sister all hold (or held) advanced degrees from well-known accredited universities. My father graduated from Purdue University with a degree in Electrical Engineering.

    I, on the other hand, failed to graduate from High School. I did acquire a General Equivalency Diploma (G.E.D.) from Seminole Community College later on.

    And yet, right before my father’s death in 2018, he pulled me aside and told me I was the smartest person in the room. It was Christmas time. And what family members could, were gathered at my parents’ house in Tennessee all knowing that it was very likely my dad’s last Christmas as he had been battling cancer for quite some time. My wife and I had arrived late and were to stay in the camper out in the barn. The family was taking the time to walk us through all of the particulars of staying in the camper when all I wanted was to just crawl into bed and sleep. As some of the instructions seemed to drag out and contain little relevance to sleeping in the camper (at least in my opinion) I insisted on cutting them short and just allowing my wife and I to be able to sleep. Needless to say, this was not received well and as everyone was tired and worried about dad, some arguments ensued.

    I quickly reached a point where I decided that the 7-hour drive back home was preferable to arguing and not getting any sleep and I went into the house to tell my ailing father that my wife and I would indeed not be staying but rather were going to head back home (which we did the following morning).

    It was during this conversation, where I actually thanked my dad for the invitation, and attempted to explain that from my point of view all we wanted to do was just go to sleep and that we would be happy to sort out all of the particulars of the camper rules in the morning, when my dad looked at me and asked a question he had never asked before. Ever. He looked and me and said, “Who is the smartest person here?” Which I immediately thought was a trick question as I tried to think of just what the correct answer could be. The sister with the PhD was the immediately obvious choice. But mom, with a Masters Degree certainly had to be considered. And of course, I’m sitting there talking to the one person the whole family considered the smartest person there, my dad. Dad worked for NASA his entire career and had a t-shirt that said, “Well yes, I actually AM a Rocket Scientist” (which was true). And while I was sitting there with all of this running through my head, dad said the most surprising thing he ever said to me, “You are.” Dad had said a lot of things to me about education, academia, studies, and learning over the years, but never had they included the words “smartest person in the room” when referring to me. But dad was not finished talking just yet. Because he had a point in saying what he said. And so, he went on to say, “And being the smartest person in the room can be both a blessing and a curse.”

    It was at this point I instantly knew that dad was telling me to ‘Man up’, ‘be the bigger person’, and that sometimes you had to take a few hits in order to walk the path of serenity. And yes, that may sound a little New Age and sappy, but the truth of the matter is that sometimes you have to be the person that takes the path that maintains peace in a relationship. And dad was telling me, in a very diplomatic way, that he understood my argument, and that I was tired and just wanted to go to sleep, but that he also understood that there were other people in the family that had considerations also. He was asking me, politely, to be the one to take the steps to peace.

    And so, of course this was a life defining conversation, right? And I instantly did the right thing, correct? Well while dad’s words did have an impact, and while they did calm me down during the moment, my wife and I still left for home the next morning.

    But what dad (whom the whole family really did consider to be ‘the smartest person in the room‘) demonstrated at the moment was not great intelligence, but rather wisdom. And perhaps a little political savviness as well.

    And as Dennis Prager has pointed out numerous times, they are not the same.

    Intelligence may define your capacity for learning or understanding, but it does not encompass all learning. A medical doctor may be quite accomplished in the field of medicine while not being very learned (having acquired much knowledge) in the field of quantum physics. At the same time a Quantum Physicist may not be very accomplished in the field of medicine. But no one would argue that both the doctor and the scientist are not quite intelligent individuals. A smart person on the other hand, may demonstrate the capacity for intelligence without having the learning behind it.

    Wisdom, however, is the ability to discern knowledge and truths and use them to take correct actions. And wisdom begins with the Lord (Psalms 111:10, Proverbs 1:7, Proverbs 9:10). In order to correctly discern all that we observe in the world around us, we need to first start with a world view that begins with the Lord God. It is only then that we can then put into practice what our intelligence brings to the table in order to effect good outcomes.

    Unfortunately, we have a lot of intelligence in our leadership today. But it lacks wisdom. Our President, Vice President, Senators, and Congressmen are all applying intelligence to their job of running our country. But very few are applying wisdom. And it is simply because they don’t begin with the Lord God.

    What will wisdom gain you? Peace. Peace in the family, peace in your life, peace in your country, and peace in the world. And the really great thing is, you don’t have to take out a student loan in order to obtain it. Wisdom is free for the asking: James 1:5. A really smart person would ask for some today.