Category: Life

  • First Things First

    Matthew 6:33 (NASB) 33 But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you. The scriptures tell us to seek His Kingdom first. So, what is this “kingdom” we should seek? I believe kingdoms are about kings and their domain. That being so, seeking His Kingdom is seeking Him…

  • The Bible!

    Through the years, there are those who have impacted my life greatly. One of those is Richard C. Halverson, former Chaplain of the United States Senate. His writings speak powerfully to many issues. I share today this devotional taken from his bi-weekly devotional letters, May 20, 1996, published by Concern Ministries, Inc.  I might add,…

  • HE Satisfies!

    Psalm 145:15-16 New American Standard Bible (NASB) 15 The eyes of all look to You, And You give them their food in due time. 16 You open Your hand And satisfy the desire of every living thing. Psalm 38:9 (NASB) 9 Lord, all my desire is before You; And my sighing is not hidden from You. Psalm 103:5…

  • Do You Meet Minium Requirements?

    A co-worker came into work the other day and matter-of-factly proclaimed: “I met the minimum requirements of motherhood this morning.” I had to chuckle.  We all have some set of minimum requirements we believe we need to meet in order to survive each day. But there are also a set of minimum requirements that others…

  • Don’t Be Afraid

    Psalm 37:1-11 (NASB) Security of Those Who Trust in the Lord “1Do not fret because of evildoers, Be not envious toward wrongdoers.  2For they will wither quickly like the grass and fade like the green herb. 3Trust in the Lord and do good; Dwell in the land and cultivate faithfulness.  4Delight yourself in the Lord; And He…

  • Today Is The Day!

    “For I hope (wait for and trust) in You, O Lord; You will answer, O Lord my God.” Psalm 38:15 In Psalm 38, King David cries out to the LORD acknowledging his sin and seeking relief from the suffering it brought. He knows (vs 9) that his LORD is aware of all his concerns, confesses…

  • Are You The Redeemed of the Lord?

    One of the more interesting dynamics of the Christian Faith to me is the argument that as the Elect of God, we are perfectly in his hands.  Never to have calamity or evil ever cross our paths again.  These are the “feel good” Christians.  The idea that “if God be for me, who can be…

  • Introductory Comments…

    “From Thy precepts I get understanding; Therefore, I hate every false way.  [For] Thy Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.  Psalm 119:104-105 I’m privileged to join LRPSP as a contributor / editor.  In a day of fake news and an unlimited array of information sources, getting the truth…

  • A New Dynamic

    When I started LRPSP three plus years ago, I had no intention or desire to have a blog.  I did not set out to simply archive my thoughts for all the world to peruse. If you have read any of them and taken pause, been blessed, or given new thought to some subject, then I…

  • Do You Make A Difference?

    In 2008 The Oak Ridge Boys asked the question “Did I make a difference in somebody’s life?” through a pretty thoughtful melody. They inspired people though song to consider whether or not they were making a difference in the world in which we all live.  The song is asking us whether or not we are…